Unigames Committee Meeting #1 - 06/03/2023

by Joshua Annison 06/03/23

Unigames Committee Meeting #1 - 06/03/2023

tags: committee meeting 2023


  • Jackie
  • Gibbi
  • Connor
  • Josh
  • David
  • Gen
  • Chris
  • Hannah
  • James
  • Emerald



Meeting scheduled: 4:30PM

Meeting open: 4:41PM


President's Report (Jackie):

  • šŸ‘
  • tiefling triple threat president supremacy
  • i'm working on things huh

Vice President's Report (Gibbi):

  • Putting the Eepy in Veepy
  • Me šŸ¤Jackie stayin up till 3am on call x2
  • Working on flashback draft
  • Working on Early events
  • Welcome to committee everyone (this hits different for those actually on committee)
  • Also fucked up typing this up and submitting it to the "secretary"
    • Love to our new secretary Yung Gravy

Treasurer's Report (Connyah):

  • death stares David
  • Good luck with this semester y'all! And hello minutes readers!!
  • Account Balance: ~$3,500 (waiting on stuff)

Secretary's Report (Josh):

  • I loveeeee late night video calls :/
  • Remember the AGM? that was a year ago
  • All the plushies!!!
  • Amongus
  • I don't even get presidential acknowledgement...

Librarian's Report (David):

  • Da 'brarian, less goooo cracks knuckles at connor
  • Got a few projects I want to (keep) work(ing) on
  • I hate tax law

Fresher Rep's Report (Gen):

  • Freshers seem to be interested in the club!!
  • The turn out at the Fresher welcome was incredible and seems to be a pretty good indicator.
  • Hopefully this interest will continue when they realise they actually have to do work at University.

Reports de la OCM (Chris, Hannah, James):

  • Chris:
  • shoutout to myself for finally getting back into playing pokemon
  • about to start a potentially multiple week long email marathon. Wish me luck everyone
  • RPG o'day!!!!!
  • Hannah:
  • we are back to my cursed sleep schedule lads (as Jackie can prove)
  • definitely did not send the gms the availability form at 2am no sir
  • otherwise Iā€™m already drowning in essays somehow like wdym itā€™s only week 1
  • James:
  • I made a bunch of promises at the AGM and unlike Liz Truss I want to outlast the lettuce so Iā€™m going to keep them.
  • Going to work on replacing carpet tiles when the club room is less busy.
  • I have a plan for increasing variety in club room MTG. I would like to do a cube. Thinking of using the Magic Arena Cube because itā€™s mostly balanced, uses new cards, updates itself and is easy for members to access the card list online.
  • Prime idea for future board game event. Social Deduction Games. Since these were the most popular at the Welcome.
  • Idea for potential RPG one-shot night that I can organise and GM in: Fate Core System and Silly One Page RPGs.
  • Would like to do a PokĆ©mon TCG event. I have a deck that the club can use and will speak with other members who have shown interest.

Immediate Past President's Report (Emerald):

  • Emerald has attended: ==2/2== Meeting
  • yippeee retirement
  • defeating my demons (sleep debt) by going to war (sleeping)
  • also happy new-mittee!! Happy 40th anniversary!!

Past action Items:

Action Items:


Go to kmart for borrowing pocket - Not Done

Put up Gatekeepers and Webkeepers - Done


Draft Announcement for Intro to Magic for nextmittee - Done

Bump Fresher GM form - Hannah - Done

Post ogm minutes - Josh - Done

Poke people about custom playmats - Done

Bump donald about mailing list bug - Repoke Josh

Start moving minutes over onto new website - Not Done

Jackie, Gibbi:

Update passwords - Done


Talk to webkeepers about online borrowing - Done


EMP and Loft Booking for intro to painting - Done


Send out EOI for 40th to anniversary an "Everyone announcement" - Done


DM Jackie picture/s and quote for fridge posters. - In Pogress


DM Jackie ID (Drivers License) - In Pogress

Usual Suspects

Board Games

Social Deduction Boardgames - 13/03/2022 - 4PM
  • Please come :D

    Gibbi: Put Up announcement etc for social deduction boardgames

Fresher Welcome - 02/03/22 - 4PM
  • About 60~ people in attendance (Poggers)
  • First in person since 2021 (Also Poggers)
  • Pizza Order: Need to reduce by about 10 pizza ~
  • Lost about $144 on Pizza (expected)
  • More chairs pweaseeeeeeee


RPG O-DAY - 07/03/2023 - 5PM
  • 11 applicants
    • Some of the featured systems will be
      • Masks
      • Glitter Hearts
      • Burning WHeel
      • Call of Cthulu
      • 13th Age
      • Mongoose Travveler
      • Spire
      • Heart
      • Dread
  • Pizza order
    • Order just for people running the stalls
    • Can send order through to Jackie before the event
Variety One-shot night - 10/03/2023 5PM
  • About 6 responses
    • Winslade - 13th Age
    • Gibbi - Spire
    • Chris - Heart
    • Josh M - Lancer
    • Emerald - D&D 5e (Backup)
    • James - Fate/Nice Marines (Backup)

      Jackie: Contact GM's to make sure they are all good/have pregens for Variety One-Shot

PBTA RPG Night - Week of the 20th of March
  • GM List: Texas, Amelia, Misha

Gibbi, Hannah, James: Contact GM's for PBTA

Gibbi: Check EMP for PBTA

Call of Cthulu RPG Night - Week of the 3rd of April

Chris, Gen: Write an EMP for CoC

Potential rpg event schedule for Sem 1 2023
  • This would provide a nice balance of genres and mechanics between famous and niche games
  • That one High fantasy Rpg that everyone knows and has a number of editions greater than 4
  • Light RPGs - e.g. PbtA
  • Call of Cthulhu
  • Pendragon/Pathfinder
  • Spire/Heart
  • One page RPGs


Magic: The Gavining

  • There will be a quickplay guide for it in the next week or so
Intro to Magic - 15/03/2023 - 1PM
  • Come learn Magic!

    Gibbi: Draft Announcement for Intro to Magic for nextmittee

Booster Box buying Bhenanigans

- Burchased a box of PAWBO - $209, Packs $7.50

Jumpstart 2022 2 - Week of the 27th (Thursday?)
  • Entry $25
  • 4 Packs pp

    Gibbi: EMP and Announcement for Jumpstart 2022

Flashback Draft

Gibbi: Poll for what box we want to do in #mtg-general

British James Cube
  • Ominously tabled
Pokemon trading card game Event - 23/03/2023 - 5pm
  • Calyrex Decks
  • Mew Deck
  • Maybe GhostCalyrex maybe Mew?? Guess we will have to see
  • James Promise: Maybe bring another deck? ideal


Intro to Painting - 21/03/23 - 2PM
  • Lots of Freshers seem interested!
  • Please come!
Intro to Wargaming - 01/04/2023
  • David runs the event!

David: Maintain contact with Eva about Intro to Wargaming

Fresher Campaigns

  • Forms up
  • GM times in
  • Feel free to continue signing up here!
  • Vikrum Feedback: Exec should organise fresher campaigns with Fresher Rep to help and learn along the way
  • Committee Says: Yeah that makes sense lets do that

    Hannah and Gen: Make a fresher campaign server Hannah: Message Vikrum about Fresher Campaign organisation

Unigames OGM - Monday the 13th (February) (At 3pm regardless of Date)

Josh: Post ogm minutes oTL

Club Carnival - 14/03/2022 - 12 to 2PM

  • Just a week away!
  • Everyone except Jackie and Connor
  • Jackie will be walking around being 'helpful'

    Chris, Gibbi, Josh: Set up for Club Carnival Connor: Make a baby float for Club Carnival

UWA OPEN DAY - 12/03/2023

  • We get a bunch of stuff pre-setup
  • Jackie will be there

Prosh - 22/03/2023

  • Reality TV Theme
  • Prosh Olympics - Oak Lawn - 14/03/23 - Maybe Jackie?
  • Tiktok Video sigh

    Josh: Organise Tiktok Video Josh: Message UniSFA about combined team Josh: Prosh Marshall Sign-Up

Charity Vigil - Aprilish

  • Push Em Kings

Far Future Events

Unigames [Redacted] 2023 - 30/06/2023 - 3/07/2023

Joint [Redacted] 2023


  • Approved
  • Pending
  • Unsubmitted
    • $73.55 to Connor for Milk
    • $285 to David for O-Day printing
    • $70.96 to Jackie for Whiteboard Markers
    • $44.49 to Jackie for Liquid chalk
    • $100 to Tenancy for Hanging pin-up board
    • $69 to Unisfa for Uncharity auctions
    • $35 to Panto for Uncharity auctions
    • $40 to UCC for Uncharity auctions



  • Proshin Stuff
  • Guild Volunteering Team Bonding?
    • Positions Available if you want to join Guild Volunteering
  • Event photography workshop
    • 1 person can come
    • May be good for 40th Anniversary Photos?
  • Major SPG Grants
    • Would be very cool to lower ticket prices further for 40th Anniversary Ball
    • need more than 100 peoples


  • Tenancy Consultation meeting - Tuesday 14th 5PM GCR

    Gibbi: Attend Tenancy Consultation Committee Meeting


  • O-day grants
  • the due date is the 10/03/202
  • We're putting morbius in the minutes again - Emerald

General Business:

Custom Playmats

  • Please come get them

Westmarche 2

  • This westmittees problem (its us)
  • Meeting TBA

40th Anniversary

  • Major SPG! Possibly cheaper ticket prices!
  • More than 60 responses!
  • Frames, love you Frames, very cool of you
  • Will release Alumni tickets early
    • Will be artificially inflated
    • We can take profit off that to reduce price for tickets for students
  • Also, people who want merch who can't come can get merch early
  • Probably between September/November
  • 100-200 Guest venue capacity


  • Say hello to our new gatekeepers!
  • Harry George Arthur Trumble
  • Matt Winslade


  • No new webkeepers

Room Update

Jackie: Go to kmart for borrowing pocket

New Printed Banner
  • Emerald suggested nextmittee (current committee) commission jackie to create the new banner at $60/per hour ish for skilled labor
  • Emerald thinks unigames should get a new banner
  • Should have a classic colour scheme not attached to a particular year
  • Purple is good not black
Pinup Board
  • Jackie will do treasurer things with connor after this meeting

Jackie: Clear out Monolith


David: Go through "Wargamey" Boardgames to review state of games

Card Sleeving

  • David cannot wait to start doing this

David: Research sleeving Boardgames

Donation - Casting Shadows

  • Cas wants to donate Casting Shadows on account of no room in their house
  • Possible splat buy

    David: Research Casting Shadows Jackie: Talk to Cas about price

Library System
  • Almost Done

Food runs

  • We may need to increase juice box price to 80c
  • In homage to the can oTL
  • UniSFA is selling for $1
  • Motion to increase price of juice boxes to 80c - Unanimous
  • Check Chocolate block prices


  • Chris and Josh will be learning how to move old minutes to new website

Josh: Ask Donald about unigames.pat to be sending out emails to members.

Committee Business

  • Unigames member Freyja Dyson has been suspended from the Unigames Club and Club spaces until the 27th of March.
    • Reminder that Unigames has a complaints form that you can use to make a complaint about another member of the club.
    • If you have questions or concerns about this suspension or the complaints process in general please contact Jackie or Gibbi.
  • Reminder point about deck boxes
Early 2023 Events
  • Week 2 RPG O-Day, First one-shot - 07/03/23, 10/03/23
  • Week 3 Intro to Magic, first boardgame - 15/03/2023 13/03/23
  • Week 4 Intro to painting, Pokemans, RPG and Prosh - 21/03/2023, 23/03/2023,
  • Week 5 Jumpstart??? , Intro to Wargaming - TBA

Meeting closed: 7:05 PM