Unigames Committee Meeting #2 - 13/03/2023

by Joshua Annison 13/03/23

Unigames Committee Meeting #2 - 13/03/2023

tags: committee meeting 2023


  • Jackie
  • Gibbi
  • Josh
  • David
  • Gen
  • Chris
  • Hannah
  • Emerald


  • Connor
  • James - (Running an event)


Meeting scheduled: 6:00PM

Meeting open: 6:10PM


President's Report (Jackie):

  • they call me 3 labs jackie on account of the 6 hours of lab facilitating i did today
  • did uwa open day on less than 2 hours of sleep
  • took over masks oneshot from gibbi, i am now gming for masks
  • my brain is so full and yet so empty and i'm sooo eepy

Vice President's Report (Gibbi):

  • Hi Joshua
    • Hi Gibbi
  • 100% wrote this before meeting onfacebook page
  • have written several announcements, fresher campaigns, arbitrage,
  • opened an lgs /j
  • TBC...
  • Weird Trez Spot
  • ran a variety one shot night
  • also discovered rpg o-day was this week also shilled spire at rpg o-day

Treasurer's Report (Connyah):

  • No more withdrawal book 😔
  • Attended Variety Oneshot Night
  • Probably eating dinner rn
  • Account balance: Probably still ~$3'500 ($4,465.79)

Secretary's Report (Josh):

  • hi Emerald
  • hi Gibbi
  • Yung Gravy counter (unironic): 3 this week
  • You want events? I gave you events
  • Congrats on 1000 facebook members? I think?
  • Week 4 hell! haha!

Librarian's Report (David):

  • Helped out at open day (1 new member ???)
  • Attended variety oneshot night and played heart ❤
  • Borbgame repare
  • cant stop thinking about Darkstalker (its like The Terror but with dragons)

Fresher Rep's Report (Gen):

  • Freshers have started to get a vague idea as to what "study" is.
  • Despite this, numbers are still pretty strong with various events, including the social deduction game night and one shot variety night.
  • Fresher campaigns have been vaguely organised and GMs have been contacted, but there seem to be too many GMs and not enough players.
  • Freshers have been notified of the ability to keep signing up, which would mean that the GMs who have not been assigned players would get an online campaign, which would also fix a few logistical issues that we have run into. Hopefully these things will smooth out.

Reports de la OCM (Chris, Hannah, James):

  • Chris:
    • sure had one of the weeks ever
    • Variety One shot night happened! Love me some Eldritch Bees
    • Also RPG O'day was funky
  • Hannah:
  • still trying to find the one meme pic of me and a hamster but it seems to have vanished
  • showed up to open day only to get bullied both in Chess and also by people asking if I’m planning on joining uwa next year (I’m a third year student)
  • otherwise did not do a lot of club related stuff bc Latin test before this meeting which is killing me through sheer anxiety
  • James:
  • I am probably up in the loft running the Social Deductions board games event as this report is being read out.
  • Committee meetings on a Monday clash with UniSFA homestuck screenings

Immediate Past President's Report (Emerald):

  • Emerald has attended: ==3/3== Meeting
  • (y)ippee
  • hi josh (and also hi gibbi)
  • I hope everyone who attended one shot night had a lot of fun!!
  • happy last of us Monday everyone!!

Past action Items:

Action Items:


Contact GM's to make sure they are all good/have pregens for Variety One-Shot - Done

Go to kmart for borrowing pocket - Done

Clear out Monolith - Done

Talk to Cas about price - Done


Put Up announcement etc for social deduction boardgames - Done

(with Hannah and James) Contact GM's for PBTA - Jackie Done

Check EMP for PBTA - Done

Draft Announcement for Intro to Magic for nextmittee - Done

EMP and Announcement for Jumpstart 2022 - Half way there

Poll for what box we want to do in #mtg-general - Done

(with Chris and Josh) Set up for Club Carnival - Ask Future Gibbi

Attend Tenancy Consultation Committee Meeting - Ask Future Gibbi


Make a baby float for Club Carnival - Ask future Connor


Post ogm minutes oTL - Not Done

(with Chris and Ethan) Set up for Club Carnival - Not Done

Organise Tiktok Video - In Pogress

Message UniSFA about combined team - Done

Prosh Marshall Sign-Up - Done

Ask Donald about unigames.pat to be sending out emails to members. - Done (Thanks Jackie)


(with Chris) Write an EMP for CoC - Not Done


(with Gen) Write an EMP for CoC - Not Done

(with Ethan and Josh) Set up for Club Carnival - Ask Future Chris


(with Ethan and James) Contact GM's for PBTA - Jackie Done

Message Vikrum about Fresher Campaign organisation - Done


(with Ethan and Hannah) Contact GM's for PBTA - Jackie Done


DM Jackie picture/s and quote for fridge posters. - In Pogress


DM Jackie ID (Drivers License) - Done

Usual Suspects

Board Games

Social Deduction Boardgames - 13/03/2023 - 4PM
  • 37~ attendees
"C" Boardgames - 31/03/2023
  • Boardgames that start with C
  • Hannah and Gen Combo Breaker

    Gen, Hannah: EMP for "C" Boardgames


RPG O-DAY - 07/03/2023 - 5PM
  • Jackies Notes:
    • Really good attendence, about 26+ from my counts
    • Busiest during first hour
    • Experts enjoyed it alot
    • Seems to have worked (Specific GM's asked for in signup forms)
    • Good Vibes
    • Collecting feedback as we speak
      • https://forms.gle/RUjYZEuhv85jWxmDA <- if you want to submit feedback!
Variety One-shot night - 10/03/2023 5PM
  • Jackies Notes:
    • 4 tables
    • People were having fun
    • 29 people (Below average compared to D&D oneshot during the good old days (pre-2020))
    • Felt very engaged
Masks Oneshot Night - 21st of March - 5pm
  • GM List: Jackie and Amelia

Jackie: Check with Texas and Misha if they wanna GM

Jackie: Put up masks announcement

Call of Cthulu RPG Night - Week of the 3rd of April
  • Tentative GM List: Merlin, Jack, Alistair, Gen
  • There is some other Stuff going on that we don't want to overlap (Charity Vigil, Swancon)

    Chris: Gauge possible GM's (Message tentative CoC GM's)

D&D 5e RPG Night - Week 7
  • Fresher retention is good
  • Seems like a good time in semester to run

James: EMP for D&D RPG Night

James: Contact D&D GM's

Potential rpg event schedule for Sem 1 2023
  • This would provide a nice balance of genres and mechanics between famous and niche games
  • That one High fantasy Rpg that everyone knows and has a number of editions greater than 4
  • Light RPGs - e.g. PbtA
  • Call of Cthulhu
  • Pendragon/Pathfinder
  • Spire/Heart
  • One page RPGs
  • Cyberpunk??


Magic: The Gavining

  • There will be a quickplay guide for it in the next week or so

    Gibbi: Make Quickplay Guide

Intro to Magic - 15/03/2023 - 1PM
  • Come learn Magic!
Booster Box buying Bhenanigans
  • Will need something new soon
Jumpstart 2022 2 - 30/03/23 -
  • Entry $25
  • 4 Packs pp

    Gibbi: EMP and Announcement for Jumpstart 2022

Flashback Draft - End of April
  • Theros SWEEP :sparkles:
  • Entry $25

Gibbi: Flashback Draft EMP

SNOM ONE - Probably 26/03/23

Gibbi: SNOM ONE EMP and Announcement

British James Cube
  • Ominously tabled once more
Pokemon trading card game Event - 23/03/2023 - 5pm
  • Josh will purchase a Mew deck
  • 4 decks total, two "high power" and two "kinda mid"
  • Please Come


Intro to Painting - 21/03/23 - 2PM
  • Please come! 2
Intro to Wargaming - 01/04/2023
  • Uh oh dropped of the action item list!

David: Maintain contact with Eva about Intro to Wargaming David: Intro to Wargaming EMP and loft booking.

Fresher Campaigns

  • About 40~ players, 9 GM's
  • Had some issues with access to cam hall (on account of no elevator oTL)
  • Vikrum Online campaign should solve this issue
  • Less sign ups than usual
  • Way more GM's than usual
  • if you haven't signed up yet: https://forms.gle/U56wRSR9V1AiZtLQA you still have time!!!

    Hannah and Gen: Make a fresher campaign server Gibbi: Contact Josh M

Unigames OGM - Monday the 13th (February) (At 3pm regardless of Date)

Josh: Post ogm minutes oTL

Club Carnival - 14/03/2022 - 12 to 2PM

  • Just a day away!
  • Everyone except Jackie and Connor
  • Jackie will be walking around being 'helpful'
    • No SOC shirt?

      Chris, Gibbi, Josh: Set up for Club Carnival Connor: Make a baby float for Club Carnival

UWA OPEN DAY - 12/03/2023

  • It went
  • We were the best club there (only two other clubs there)
  • The kids played minigolf while mum manned the stand

Prosh - 22/03/2023

  • Prosh Olympics - Oak Lawn - 14/03/23 - Maybe Jockie and Jockshua?
  • Combining with UniSFA, Panto and UWAnime

    Josh: Shoot Tiktok Video

Charity Vigil - Aprilish

  • Meeting Tomorrow

Unigames [Redacted] 2023 - 30/06/2023 - 3/07/2023

  • UH OH
  • [REDACTED] Leaders: Jackie and Gibbi
  • RSA: Gen and Jackie and Joshua
  • First Aid: Emerald and James
  • Emergency Drivers: Gibbi, Connor, David, Josh
  • Food Safety Training:

    Gen, James: Food Safety Training for [Redacted] Gibbi: Ask Everest about First Aid Training

  • Head Chef: Jackie (Lunch) and Emerald (Dinner w/ Connor and Hannah)
  • Assassins: Connor (probably)
  • Fire Marshall: Josh + ???
  • Swapping Debates and RPG's around maybe?
  • Name Poll

    Gibbi: Create Quizmitee chat

D&D Movie Outing - Some point

  • Patrick proposed collab between UniSFA and Unigames to go to D&D Movie

    David: Contact Patrick regarding D&D Screening Collab Event

Far Future Events

Joint [Redacted] 2023


  • Approved
    • $100 to Tenancy for Hanging pin-up board
    • $69 to Unisfa for Uncharity auctions
    • $35 to Panto for Uncharity auctions
    • $40 to UCC for Uncharity auctions
    • $70.96 to Jackie for Whiteboard Markers
    • $44.49 to Jackie for Liquid chalk
    • $285 to David for O-Day printing
  • Pending
  • Unsubmitted

    • $73.55 to Connor for Milk
    • $351.87 to Jackie for 28/02/23 food
    • $209 to Gibbi for All Will Be One box
    • $150 to Gibbi for Theros Box
    • $262.71 to David for Dominos Pizza
    • $25.34 to David for Tim Tams & Glue
    • $256.60 to Connor for 07/03/23 food run
    • $234.50 to Connor for 23/02/23 food run
  • Withdrawal book is full and Guild doesn't have a replacement (can't do withdrawals oTL)



  • Next SOCPAC is in a month or so


  • Tenancy Consultation meeting - Tuesday 14th 5PM GCR

    Gibbi: Attend Tenancy Consultation Committee Meeting


  • O-day grants have been submitted
  • Initial results on the 15th
  • We're putting morbius in the minutes again - Emerald

General Business:

Custom Playmats

  • Please come get them I beg

Westmarche 2

  • Late meeting

40th Anniversary

  • No Updates


  • Say hello to our new gatekeepers!
  • Thomas McGregor
  • Finn Gearon
  • Merlin Hoskins
  • Everest White

OCM Appointment

  • Texas has been appointed to the vacant OCM position
  • Reasoning:
    • While committee works out the situation with Freyja, we still need to be following the constitution which tells us that once an OCM position is vacant (as it is now) we must either:
      • Hold a General Meeting within 3 weeks to elect a new OCM
      • Appoint an ordinary financial member to OCM, to be ratified at the next General Meeting.
    • Committee prefers to have an election, rather than appointing a member, but does not want to rush into calling a general meeting while sorting out the whole situation. Alex is our "stopgap" OCM and has agreed to resign once we have sorted everything, so we can properly fill the OCM position with an election at a General Meeting.


  • No new webkeepers

Room Update

Jackie: Go to kmart for borrowing pocket

Danika's Chairs
  • Oh yeah we back in business

    Josh: Message Danika about their Chairs + Price

New Printed Banner
  • Later
Pinup Board
  • Kelvin messaged Jackie outside of Unigames, no reply back


David: Go through "Wargamey" Boardgames to review state of games

Card Sleeving

  • David cannot wait to start doing this

David: Research sleeving Boardgames

Donation - Casting Shadows

  • Cas wants to "Splat buy" Casting Shadows (Exapansion + Base Game), Committee pays $37-$40AUD
  • Wait for David to research

    David: Research Casting Shadows

New Coup

  • Committee have accepted a donation from Emerald for a new Coup, with the ruling that she receives our old copy
  • Currently being sorted out

Finn Root RPG Splat Buy

  • Wants to add Root RPG to library, big fan of root sweep

    David: Research Root RPG

Library System
  • Almost Done!

Food runs

  • Jackie Research:
    • Caught Choc-Blocks lacking
    • A range of chocolates at no gain, Possibly increase price to $4.00
    • Waiting on trez to be present


  • Josh will be learning Chris bout how to move old minutes to new website

Josh: Teach Chris how to upload minutes

  • Gozz and Donald have opinions on mailing service changes, this is in ongoing discussions

Committee Business

  • Reminder point about deck boxes for Gibbi to remember

    Gibbi: Message committee about deck boxes

Early 2023 Events
  • Week 3 Intro to Magic, first boardgame - 15/03/2023 13/03/23
  • Week 4 Intro to painting, Pokemans, RPG and Prosh - 21/03/2023, 23/03/2023,
  • Week 5 Jumpstart??? , Intro to Wargaming - TBA

Meeting closed: 8:47 PM