Unigames Committee Meeting #3 - 20/03/2023

by Joshua Annison 20/03/23

Unigames Committee Meeting #3 - 20/03/2023

tags: committee meeting 2023


  • Jackie
  • Gibbi
  • Josh
  • David
  • Gen
  • Chris
  • Hannah
  • Emerald
  • Connor
  • James



Meeting scheduled: 6:00PM

Meeting open: 6:12PM


President's Report (Jackie):

  • “you are god’s most overworked amogus” - alistair, about me
    • yeah
  • epic failed kmart borrow pocket quest but that's okay
  • i definitely did other things i swear

Vice President's Report (Gibbi):

  • eapier than usual
  • planned out all the magic stuff for the semester
  • im sure i did something else but im currently on 0 hours of sleep so Ill add it to the minutes later
  • went to tenancy consultation

Treasurer's Report (Connyah):

  • O’Day Grant pulls through!! (thanks soc treasurer 💅)
  • Did some treasurer stuff!!!
  • Still no withdrawal books 😔
  • Account Balance: $4230.77 (inclusive of unsubmitted reimbursements)

Secretary's Report (Josh):

  • hi Emerald
  • Hell Week: BEGIN
  • There is even more than I initially expected
  • For what is a mouse? What has he got?
  • If not himself? Then he has naught.

Librarian's Report (David):

  • omg unigames hiiiiiiiii
  • went to charity vigil meeting
  • submitted emp and loft booking for wargaming event
  • started planning dnd movie night 😮
  • stared at the library a lot
  • here's a cute wings of fire picture

Fresher Rep's Report (Gen):

  • freshers (me) have their first exam this week 😭😭😭
  • also they seem excited for PROSH! I’ve been trying to rope as many in as possible (to various levels of success)
  • Started EMP for CoC (guys I’m SO excited) (I can actually GM for that if you need me)

Reports de la OCM (Chris, Hannah, James):

  • Chris:
    • auughhh
    • Conkus Cthonkus date locking in for the 5th of April
    • got some pokemon cards and now have a golden ball
  • Hannah:
    • did some basic ocm things this week such as a quick announcement for freshers to check their DMs for messages from their GMs
    • otherwise I'm already working on two different essays so I can have the illusion of an Easter holiday
    • also got back into crocheting for like a day which was lovely
  • James:
    • Ran the Social Deductions Boardgames event solo whilst the committee meeting was going on
    • Contacted GMs about D&D One-Shot night. Was told I was too formal in my messaging so I will now be much less formal (you have been warned)
    • Lots of stuff went horribly wrong for me last week with some terrible long term consequences but I survived (& got 90% on a quiz 🥳)
  • Texas
    • Holdin the spot
    • also waiting for ball date(time not person) to talk to uniclub
    • oh yeah and 'back on' committee

Immediate Past President's Report (Emerald):

  • Emerald has attended: ==4/4== Meeting
    • hiiiii Gibbi
    • hiiiii Josh
    • IpppEEE
    • paying attention to your units is boring
    • happy week 4 everyone

Past action Items:

Action Items: Jackie:

  • Check with Texas and Misha if they wanna GM - Done

  • Put up masks announcement - Done

  • Go to kmart for borrowing pocket - Done


  • Message committee about deck boxes - no

  • Ask Everest about First Aid Training - no

  • Create Quizmitee chat - yes

  • Contact Josh M - yes

  • Flashback Draft EMP - yes

  • SNOM ONE EMP and Announcement -yes

  • EMP and Announcement for Jumpstart 2022 - yes

  • (with Chris and Josh) Set up for Club Carnival - yes

  • Attend Tenancy Consultation Committee Meeting - yes


  • Make a baby float for Club Carnival - Done


  • Teach Chris how to upload minutes - no

  • Message Danika about their Chairs + Price - yes

  • Post ogm minutes oTL - in pogress

  • Shoot Tiktok Video - no


  • Maintain contact with Eva about Intro to Wargaming - yes

  • Intro to Wargaming EMP and loft booking. - yes

  • Contact Patrick regarding D&D Screening Collab Event

  • Go through "Wargamey" Boardgames to review state of games - yes

  • Research sleeving Boardgames - in pogress

  • Research Casting Shadows - yes

  • Research Root RPG - yes


  • EMP for "C" Boardgames -no

  • Write an EMP for CoC - yes

  • Make a fresher campaign server - yes

  • Food Safety Training for [Redacted] -not yet


  • Message tentative CoC GM's - yes

  • Write an EMP for CoC - yes

  • Set up for Club Carnival - yes


  • Make a fresher campaign server - yes

  • EMP for "C" Boardgames - yes


  • EMP for D&D RPG Night - in pogress

  • Contact D&D GM's - yes

  • Food Safety Training for [Redacted] - no


  • DM Jackie picture/s and quote for fridge posters. - just a chris and gibbi it's them

Usual Suspects

Board Games

"C" Boardgames - 31/03/2023 - 4pm
  • Start thinking bout which C boardgames we want to push
  • Catan
  • Carcassone
  • Cluedo
  • Climate
  • Cascadia
  • Cash and Guns
  • Croot
  • Call of Cthulu fluxx

    Hannah, Gen: Write and announcement

Study week boardgames - week of 10th of april

James: Put together EMP and loftbooking for study week boardgames


RPG O-DAY - 07/03/2023 - 5PM
  • Jackies will compile feedback this week

Jackie: Compile feedback for RPG o day

Masks Oneshot Night - 21st of March - 5pm
  • GM List: Jackie and Amelia
  • backups: texas and Misha
  • please come it will be a fun time
Call of Cthulu RPG Night - 05/04/2023 - 5pm
  • Tentative GM List: Merlin, Jack, Alistair, Gen
  • Probably 5pm, dependant on GM's

    Chris: Reconfirm time with GM's Chris: Announcement for Call of

D&D 5e RPG Night - Week 7ish??
  • Not all GM's have gotten back yet
  • Tuesday or Friday, 4-6ish gm's
  • Charity Vigil is just before Tuesday?? kinda cringe

    James: Do EMP for D&D oneshot

Potential rpg event schedule for Sem 1 2023
  • This would provide a nice balance of genres and mechanics between famous and niche games
  • That one High fantasy Rpg that everyone knows and has a number of editions greater than 4
  • Call of Cthulhu
  • Pendragon/Pathfinder
  • Spire/Heart
  • One page RPGs
  • Cyberpunk??


Magic: The Gavining

  • There will be a quickplay guide for it in the next week or so

    Gibbi: Make Quickplay Guide

Intro to Magic - 15/03/2023 - 1PM
  • 8 people there, 1 didn't know magic
  • Thanks Alistair for running
Booster Box buying Bhenanigans
SNOM - 26/03/23 - 11am
  • Thats this Sunday
  • Come and play some Commander in the clubroom/loft
March of Machines Prerelease - Somewhere within April 14th and 20th
  • Its coming up
Jumpstart 2022 2 - 30/03/23 -
  • Entry $25
  • 4 Packs pp

    Gibbi: EMP and Announcement for Jumpstart 2022

Theoros Flashback Draft - End of April
  • Theros SWEEP :sparkles:
  • Entry $25

    Gibbi: Theros EOI - Within the next 3 weeks Gibbi: Flashback Draft EMP

SNOM ONE - Probably 26/03/23

Gibbi: SNOM ONE EMP and Announcement

Gibbi: Jumpstart announcement, events on facebook for all the magic "stuff"

British James Cube
  • Ominously removed from minutes for right now...
Pokemon trading card game Event - 23/03/2023 - 5pm
  • Josh has purchased a Mew deck
  • 4 decks total, two "high power" and two "kinda mid"
  • Will purchase sleeves and deckbox tomorrow, will give me something to do during the Prosh wait


Intro to Painting - 21/03/23 - 2PM
  • Please come!
Intro to Wargaming - 01/04/2023 - 12pm
  • EMP submitted
  • Morbius 1 year anniversary

David: Announcement for wargaming

Fresher Campaigns

  • Have started
  • 3-4 session 0's so far
  • people be coming :O
  • All but 3 people have been assigned
  • about 58~ freshers

Unigames OGM - Monday the 13th (February) (At 3pm regardless of Date)

Josh: Post ogm minutes oTL

Club Carnival - 14/03/2022 - 12 to 2PM

  • We should have a tablecloth
  • It was so damn bright
  • Less wind plz

Prosh - 22/03/2023 - Meet 5am Oak Lawn BE THERE

  • Prosh Olympics - 4 of us. We got points, JACKIE CANNOT EAT AN ENTIRE WEETBIX DRY. FAILURE.
  • We are in Subiaco: Rokby Rd and Hay Street Intersection
  • Combining with UniSFA, Panto and UWAnime

    Josh: Shoot Tiktok Video - Not doing this its not worth it kings

Charity Vigil - 14/04/2023 - 15/04/2023

  • EMP Submitted
  • MOM Prerelease is Sunday after this
  • Gibbi prefers doing it at the start of study week on account of procrastinators
  • Charities
    • LGBT's and mental health
  • Raffle Tickets
    • They want 1200 tickets. Which is a lot
  • Prize Budget: $60
    • There is one extra club which is extra value
    • Not necessary? $50 should be fine
    • Unless y'all have a good reason it seems uncecessary
  • Tentative budget posted
  • Potential events:
    • RPG Oneshot's w/ microtransations
    • Auction
      • Maybe Monopoly???? Connor can donate his own copy to the club.
    • Raffle prizes (not yet)

Unigames [Redacted] 2023 - 30/06/2023 - 3/07/2023

    • Assassins: King Connor
    • Debates: James and Hannah
    • Quiz: Josh, Chris, Gen, Gibbi
    • LARP: David and Connor
    • Oneshots: David
  • Cooking and Dishwashing roster next week
  • Car organisation too

D&D Movie Outing - Mid April

  • Still a bit too early to decide yet
  • Hoyts Perth City vibe
  • mayb windsor

    David: Contact Patrick regarding D&D Screening Collab Event

Far Future Events

Joint [Redacted] 2023

Other Subcommitees for events throughout the year


  • Approved
    • $73.55 to Connor for Milk
  • Pending
  • Unsubmitted

    • $351.87 to Jackie for 28/02/23 food
    • $209 to Gibbi for All Will Be One box
    • $150 to Gibbi for Theros Box
    • $262.71 to David for Dominos Pizza
    • $25.34 to David for Tim Tams & Glue
    • $256.60 to Connor for 07/03/23 food run
    • $234.50 to Connor for 23/02/23 food run
  • Withdrawal book is full and Guild doesn't have a replacement (can't do withdrawals oTL): still waiting


SOCPAC - 28/03/2023

  • Gibbi probably going
  • maybe Jackie
  • who knows


  • Tenancy Consultation meeting - So that happened
  • Went through keeping stuff clean
  • loft cleaned professionally which is pog
  • interested in loft usage
    • why?
    • what would make it better?
    • fans? maybe?
  • loft can now be booked on libcal

    Jackie: Tell gatekeepers about cam hall door proppin.


  • O-day grants got intial result
  • $200 for signups
  • $181.50 for stall reimbursement
  • jackie still backseat-trezzing
    • AM NOT
  • Initial results on the 15th
  • We're putting morbius in the minutes again - Emerald

General Business:

Custom Playmats

  • 1 to go ;-; please come get it if it is yours

Westmarche 2

  • They need a new meeting time
  • will be sorted

40th Anniversary - September-Octoberish

  • Texas wants us to pick a date
  • We need a date for relay first really
  • Claudia coming in clutch mid-meeting
    • Relay4Life - 07/10/2023 - 08/10/2023
  • who knows what dates (we do. maybe.)

Jackie and Emerald: Research Merch


  • Say hello to our new gatekeepers!
  • Harlowe
  • Lewis Graham
  • Mani Dashti


  • No new webkeepers

Room Update

Danika's Chairs
  • $2 per chair SWEEP
  • may buy extra and keep them in the loft
  • $40 on chairs (wowee)irs wowweee
  • Jackie motions to spend $40 on chairs for use in clubroom - Pass Unaninmously

Josh or Jackie: Contact Danika bout chairs

New Printed Banner
  • Later
Pinup Board
  • Kelvin: "Dawg idk bro"


  • David: He went through the wargamey wargames
    • Internals: Aight
    • Externals: Mid af
    • Whoever repairs these (David) has pain
Selling Minis
  • Offer to purchase minis that are apparently
  • Generally no
  • We can give for free if we want?
  • Check to see if donators care, also make sure that these are useless to us.
  • Vibes are off, seems not great
  • Gozz imparts some advice in this trying time

    Jackie: Do some research on the minis

Card Sleeving

  • Coup makes David cry

David: Research sleeving Boardgames

SPLAT - Casting Shadows

  • Its by the Here to Slay people
  • Battle Royale, can go morb mode
  • Overall: 6.6/10, expansion 6.9/10 (Boardgame Geek)
  • Mechanics on expansion may be unbalanced
  • Simple game, took a long time
  • Its aight
  • Cost Wise: Kinda hard to compare, $37-$40 seems like a good deal
  • Debut at "C" boardgames
  • Motion to approve Splatbuy - Passes Unaninmously

    David: Contact Cas about Splat-Buy

New Coup

  • Still need to give old coup to emerald
  • and sleeve coup sleeves

Finn Root RPG Splat Buy

  • Okay
  • Root the RPG
  • PbtA
  • d6 mostly
  • 7.83/10 rating
  • Also expansion 8/10
  • David comments: Root sweep, similar to other bits of PBTA
  • Encouraged to multiclass
  • The book has cute artwork
  • cool equipment system
  • Expansion: basically more content
  • Tactics: who knows
  • $58 at gameology

    David: Contact Finn for splatbuy specifics

Library System
  • Nupdates

Food runs

  • Connor, Clarice, Hannah Foodrun after this meeting


Josh: Teach Chris how to upload minutes

  • Postponing mailing discussion until after Gozz completes PhD (congrats btw)

Committee Business

  • Gibbi: one day

    Gibbi: Message committee about deck boxes

Room Usage Clarification
  • Chris mentions that when the table usage rules were created, there was one table and one room. Times have changed
  • Jackie mentions that it is possible to run multiple things in the room at once, it just requires levels of respect and discussions between the tables.
  • Priority system is pog
  • Guys just be nice to each other please
Noise Complaint
  • James Apologises
  • How to Fix (From James):
    • We can have a meeting with UCC about this
    • UCC doesn't really mind but just to have a conversation
    • Gonna discuss at first committee meeting

Meeting closed: 8:47 PM