Unigames Committee Meeting #4 - 27/03/2023

by Joshua Annison 27/03/23

Unigames Committee Meeting #4 - 27/03/2023

tags: committee meeting 2023


  • Jackie
  • Gibbi
  • Josh
  • David
  • Gen
  • Chris
  • Hannah
  • Emerald
  • Connor
  • James



Meeting scheduled: 6:00PM

Meeting open: 6:10PM


President's Report (Jackie):

  • everyone shut the fuck up i'm on fall out boy so much (for) stardust lockdown for the next 7 months
  • talking to couple old members about the ancient warg minis that have been here since before 2010, might make a post about it to see if that gets me any further
  • i hung around with the prosh people until it was bedtime and i finished writing emails
    • eemaailss
  • gatekeeper trained all our new gatekeepers
  • i am so hungy rn this is what 6 hours of labs will do to you (i was tutoring the labs)

Vice President's Report (Gibbi):

  • Hi Josh
  • Been a week
  • First SNOM
  • Working on Magic Events
  • On the uni grind

Treasurer's Report (Connyah):

  • 2x food run hype !!
  • We got O-Day grant! Poggers
  • Account Balance: $4245.30

Secretary's Report (Josh):

  • hi Gibbi
  • hi Josh
  • Hell Week: Joshua Wins
  • All of my 'Stuff' was good!
  • Taught Chris how to upload minutes so the grind begins
  • Outed as reddit account owner
  • Time to start doing actual work
  • Heat-Chads pogging while Freeze-jacks cringe

Librarian's Report (David):

Fresher Rep's Report (Gen):

  • Freshers survived their first exam!!!!!!!
  • C boardgames thing has been sorted out :>
  • All but a single Fresher has been allocated (and I have spoken to said Fresher) - campaigns are off the ground!
  • I stayed but for 35 hours straight and went insane god I love prosh
  • Just read James' thing and now really want to find his business

Reports de la OCM (Chris, Hannah, James):

  • Chris:
    • conkus cthonkus date locked in (next wednesday)
    • advertisement coming shortly
    • my sax is bronken
  • Hannah:
    • joining Jackie with freaking out over Fall Out Boy album
    • had another latin test this morning but somehow it was easier??? and now I'm scared
    • did Prosh on 0 hours of sleep bc that's just how the last week went
    • Prosh also entirely messed up my sleep schedule
    • and first essay due this friday so guess im handing that in during the boardgames night
  • James:
    • Got EMPs approved and did loft bookings for D&D One Shot Night & Epic Boardgames Day
    • Did Prosh overnight until 2am
    • Went to SNOM
    • Went on two food runs
    • Held the clubroom open a couple of times as the only gatekeeper
    • Challenged people to find my business, they have not succeed despite the many clues I have given them
  • Texas
    • I'm still holdin on
    • check unigames email for Melissa reply
    • account balance: wait

Immediate Past President's Report (Emerald):

  • Emerald has attended: ==5/5== Meeting
    • hi Gibbi
    • hi Josh
    • I made morale shortbreads for the proshers
    • Woke up next morning very sick
    • got the flu (womp womp)

Past action Items:

Action Items:


  • Tell gatekeepers about cam hall door proppin. - Done

  • Research Merch - Not Done

  • Contact: Danika bout chairs - Done by Josh

  • Do some research on the minis - Done

  • Compile feedback for RPG o day - Done


  • Message committee about deck boxes - In Pogress

  • Ask Everest about First Aid Training - Done

  • Make Quickplay Guide - Not Done

  • EMP and Announcement for Jumpstart 2022 - Done

  • Theros EOI - Within the next 3 weeks

  • Flashback Draft EMP - Done

  • SNOM ONE EMP and Announcement - Done

  • DM Jackie picture/s and quote for fridge posters - Done

  • Jumpstart announcement, events on facebook for all the magic "stuff" - Do Da Discords


  • Contact Danika bout chairs - Done

  • Teach Chris how to upload minutes - Done

  • Post ogm minutes oTL - Not Done


  • Contact Patrick regarding D&D Screening Collab Event - No Updates

  • Research sleeving Boardgames - Nupdates

  • Contact Cas about Splat-Buy - Done

  • Contact Finn for splatbuy specifics - Done

  • Announcement for wargaming - Done


  • EMP for "C" Boardgames - Done

  • Food Safety Training for [Redacted] - Not Done

  • Write announcement for “C” Boardgames - Done


  • Reconfirm time with GM's - Done

  • Announcement for Call of Cthulu - In Poggers

  • DM Jackie picture/s and quote for fridge posters - Done


  • Write announcement for “C” Boardgames - Done


  • EMP for D&D RPG Night - Done

  • Food Safety Training for [Redacted] - Not Done

  • Put together EMP and loftbooking for study week boardgames - Done


  • Research MERCH - Not Done

Usual Suspects

Board Games

"C" Boardgames - Friday 31/03/2023 - 4pm
  • Gen will be late ;-;
  • Please Come if you crave:
    • Catan
    • Carcassone
    • Cluedo
    • Climate
    • Cascadia
    • Cash and Guns
    • Croot
    • Call of Cthulu Fluxx
    • Cosmic Encounter
    • Chaos in the Old World
    • Cards Against Humanity
    • Colt Express
Study week boardgames - 11/04/23, 1PM-8PM
  • Epic Boardgames Day
  • Longer games, Dead of Winter, Root, Root Expansions, games that do not get played as often
    • Axis and Allies URAH


RPG O-DAY - 07/03/2023 - 5PM
  • Jackie Feedback Says
  • Remove pizza run if event doesn’t run for ~3+ hours
    • Hard to spruik RPGs with pizza in ur mouth / ur pizza goes cold
  • If the event became more popular with expected higher attendance, we’d have to look into a different bigger venue
  • Start time thoughts
    • Lewis: experiment with a slightly earlier start time? only con is that it'd be a bit tricky to work around people's work
  • Almost all attendee responses would be interested in the event starting earlier than 5pm
  • Attendee responses indicate that they all felt like they learnt new interesting systems that they’ll look into in the future & felt the variety on display was good
    • One attendee reports that the quantity of systems felt small
  • Advertisement could be improved & made more stand-out
    • If kept as a week 2 event, previous committee should be on it and putting out advertising before the AGM
  • Attendee reports that there weren’t enough systems for the number of people who showed up
    • Spent good amount of time waiting for tables to free up so they could hear about the system(s) properly
  • Better Diversity, Better Advertising, Less (no) Pizza
Masks Oneshot Night - 21st of March - 5pm
  • Jackie, Amelia, Gwyn ran as gms
  • good time
  • 3 Tables (of 6) = 18~ attendees
  • Went so well that Jackies table wants to continue playing as their own group
Call of Cthulu RPG Night - Wednesday 05/04/2023 - 5pm
  • Tentative GM List: Merlin, Jack, Alistair, Gen
  • Its happening
  • EMP and 'stuff' approved
  • Will put on discord after facebook event made
D&D 5e RPG Night - Friday 21/04/2023 - ?PM
  • Got GM list with backups
  • Ask Current GM's for description
  • Maybe make a channel for it?
Potential RPG event schedule for Sem 1 2023
  • This would provide a nice balance of genres and mechanics between famous and niche games
  • That one High fantasy Rpg that everyone knows and has a number of editions greater than 4
  • Pendragon/Pathfinder
  • Spire/Heart
  • One page RPGs
  • Cyberpunk


Magic: The Gavining

  • There will be a quickplay guide for it in the next week or so

    Gibbi: Make Quickplay Guide

Booster Box buying Bhenanigans
  • Getting quote for MOM box ~3.5 weeks ($200 per box)
SNOM - 26/03/23 - 11am
  • 14-15 over course of the day
  • 3 tables
  • Went well
  • Was in loft
  • Yeah
March of Machines Prerelease - Somewhere between April 14th and 20th
  • Its still coming up
  • ask gibbi in a week
Jumpstart 2022 2 - 30/03/23 - 1PM
  • Entry $25 pp
  • 4 Packs pp
  • Great Intro/Intemediate event
  • Wow!, just 3 days away!
Theros Flashback Draft - End of April
  • Theros SWEEP :sparkles:
  • Entry $25

    Gibbi: Theros EOI - Ask about this in April

Pokemon trading card game Event - 23/03/2023 - 5pm
  • Went very well
  • Attendence ~12ish
  • We have a contact on the inside (Julian)
  • Julian happy to loan a deck
  • Will wait until possible UWAnime collab to decide whether necessary to have decks in the clubroom

Perth Gaymers ONE Draft

  • Possible Collaboration Event
  • 12 people = $17 dollars pp
  • All Will Be One
  • Buy in
  • bring lands
  • They are gay
  • Maybe ask about a second box if we want collaboration
  • Maybe direct to other areas on campus (that aren't the loft) Jackie: Contact Perth Gaymers to discuss further


Intro to Painting - 21/03/23 - 2PM
  • So many people
  • More than 16
  • We may need some more paints
  • Amelia Feeedback: Nice new brushes
  • Loft will be better with these numbers (The event was a lot more popular than previous years)
  • Pre-prime minis
  • Thanks Jackie for the Minis
    • "its got spikes"
Intro to Wargaming - 01/04/2023 - 12pm
  • Its this saturday guys come along
  • You can keep morbius 1 year anniversary in the minutes - David

Fresher Campaigns

  • 56 Applications
  • 1 person unnassigned (RIP)
    • is chill with it
  • Seems to be going well
  • almost all session 0's

Unigames OGM - Monday the 13th (February) (At 3pm regardless of Date)

Josh: Post ogm minutes oTL

Prosh - 22/03/2023 - Meet 5am Oak Lawn BE THERE

  • It sure happened!
  • The costumes were great! Thanks everyone for coming
  • We had about 14~ish people combined
  • Its great. -Gen
  • Music was terrible. -Hannah
  • Why are there concoctions???
  • More people knew about it this year.
  • Location was good

Charity Vigil - 14/04/2023 - 15/04/2023

  • Prize budget back down to $50
  • Cost Split Approval
  • Budget
    • Pwease do it soon
  • We can probably contact tactics about prizes

    David: Copy paste tactics email for uncharity prizes

Unigames [Redacted] 2023 - 30/06/2023 - 3/07/2023

    • Assassins: King Connor
    • Debates: James and Hannah
    • Quiz: Josh, Chris, Gen, Gibbi
    • LARP: David and Connor
    • Oneshots: David
  • WE NEED 100KGS OF WOOD - Emerald's Dad
    • Also happy to give us wood
  • Roster is ready to fill out

D&D Movie Outing - Mid April

  • Nupdates
  • Time to start looking at venues and times

    David: Contact Patrick regarding D&D Screening Collab Event

Swancon - April 15th-16th

  • Oh yeah that exists
  • David gets a compensated ticket (as Librarian)
  • Go and research new boardgames

    Jackie: Message Swancon and ask if they want volunteers

ACYA Collab Event - 09/05 (Possibly)

  • Suggested a collab
  • 1 off
  • AFternoon Tea and chill w/ boardgames
  • EMP already submitted
  • Acorn Room
  • Possible Dates that ACYA has provided
    • 04/04
    • 18/04
    • 09/05 - Preferred

      Jackie: Contact ACYA about dates

Far Future Events

Joint [Redacted] 2023

  • Jackie - Knowledge Bearer
  • Gen
  • Connor

Role Play 4 LYFE - 2nd-3rd of September

  • Gen
  • David

Quiz Night - ???

  • Lightmittee
    • Gibbi
  • Darkmittee
    • Chris


  • Josh
  • James Secret Captain
    • (he will be Captain for UniHall or smth)

Uncharity Vigil

  • James
  • Gibbi

Other Subcommitees for events throughout the year


  • Approved
  • Pending
    • $351.87 to Jackie for 28/02/23 food
    • $209 to Gibbi for All Will Be One box
    • $150 to Gibbi for Theros Box
    • $262.71 to David for Dominos Pizza
    • $25.34 to David for Tim Tams & Glue
    • $256.60 to Connor for 07/03/23 food run
    • $234.50 to Connor for 23/02/23 food run
  • Unsubmitted
    • $553.00 Joint [REDACTED] Jackie Deposit
    • $178.65 To Connor for 27/03 food run
    • $4.50 to Connor for short term borrowing pocket


SOCPAC - 28/03/2023

  • Gibbi already there


  • Nupdates
  • Tenancy chair based


  • O-day grants
    • Ladies and gentlemen? We got 'em.
    • $381.50!
  • SPG due on the 15th of April
    • Major Collaborative Vibes
    • Can Hall
  • We're putting morbius in the minutes again - Emerald

General Business:

Custom Playmats

  • 1 to go ;-; please come get it if it is yours PWEASE

Westmarche 2

  • 'uh' - Chris

40th Anniversary - September-Octoberish

  • List of Dates has been Provided

Jackie, Emerald: Confirm Dates and send out a Save The Date for 40th Anniversary Emerald: Mailing list for 40th Jackie, Emerald: Discuss Ball Merch


  • No New Gatekeepers


  • No new Webkeepers

Room Update

Danika's Chairs
  • Alllll set
  • Find time with Texas/Gozz to go to pick them up

Josh, Jackie: Sort out how to get Danika's chairs

New Printed Banner
  • Sent a sketch to the group chat
Pinup Board


Selling Minis
  • Jackie contacted so many old people
    • They are quite old (the minis not the old people)
    • One is from Jordie (who would like it back in the event of selling it)
    • Lewis: 'Easily damaged, easily damages other things, we don't get much use out of it, selling means club gets money, and person gets more out of it then club ever will'
    • These minis are fucking ancient

      Jackie: Post Minis Discussion on Facebook Jackie: Continue to investigate minis

Card Sleeving

David: Research sleeving Boardgames

SPLAT - CasTing Shadows

  • Contacted cas, is sick atm so L

New Coup

  • Emerald takes Old Coup (yipee)
  • Adds message to New Coup

SPLAT - Finn Root RPG

  • Finn: Still happy
  • Splat Buying Base book
  • wait for possible interest to expansion
  • Finn wants to donate expansion if we buy base
  • Inclined to reject (as cool as it looks)
  • +a GM Screen
  • Don't exploit Finn
  • Motion to SPLAT buy Root RPG Base book with Finn for $30 - Passes Unanimously
  • Motion to SPLAT buy Root RPG Travelers and Outsiders Expansion with Finn for $30 - Passes Unanimously

    David: Message Finn about SPLAT Buy

Library System
  • Nupdates

Food runs

  • Connor foodrun BEFORE this meeting
    • It is okay Connor we do not need to be fully stocked


  • Postponing mailing discussion until after Gozz completes PhD (congrats btw)

Committee Business

  • Gibbi: one day

    Gibbi: Message committee about deck boxes

Josh: Update regs on website

Jackie, Josh: Fix the unigames constitution on website

Emerald: Return Dragons (we want them back) Meeting closed: 7:50 PM