Unigames Committee Meeting #45 - 30/01/2023

by Gibbi 30/01/23

Unigames Committee Meeting #45 - 30/01/2023

tags: committee meeting 2022


  • Emerald
  • Jackie
  • Connor
  • David
  • Josh
  • Chris
  • Texas
  • Gibbi
  • Everest
  • Alistair
  • Hannah



Meeting scheduled: 5:30PM

Meeting open: 6:01PM


President's Report (Emerald):

  • Hi, Emerald
    • Good Afternoon, Gibson
    • Don't minute um
    • Emerald is in a good moof this week
    • Maybe new banner?
    • I'm respectfully out of the goodeness of not wanting to talk about it am not gonna bring up the forumn
    • The last of us episode 3 tonight
  • Found some good chairs

Vice President's Report (Jackie):

  • boy howdy is it harder to write handovers without an overdue project to procrastinate on
    • jk i've started on my handover(s)
  • been helping with OGM stuff in many ways
  • helped connor put mork borg dust cover on
  • did some uncharity work (auctionable list and graphic design advice)
  • helped print little labels for mini boxes
  • i now have 2 songs in fall out boy lockdown in my brain : )
    • Yippeeee

Treasurer's Report (Business Texas):

  • set the money aside for deposit
  • 2 weeks left of internship
  • thought a bit about stabby
  • also read some pf2e
  • account balance: $3,948.86

Secretary's Report (Gibbi):

  • OTL Thread go Brr
  • Can't believe i was made to do stats before sem starts
  • Did a bunch of stuff
    • Prerelease
    • painting day
    • fresher campaign stuff
  • Uncharity
  • Oh yeah prerelease is this weekend
  • Did a bunch of webbed site stuff thanks Donald
    • Made Unigames Mail Email

Librarian's Report (Connyah):

  • Spent lots of time searching for a cat
  • Morked the Borg
  • Chatted to Ed about Smash Up

Fresher Rep's Report (Hannah):

  • panicking about handovers bc how do I write things that make sense again
  • very eepy while writing this so very short report

Reports de la OCM (Chris, David, Everest, Josh):

  • Chris:
    • Its-a-me! Burnout
    • Mutants and Masterminds announcement coming either tonight or tomorrow
    • Spire Brain again
  • David:
    • learned how to rpg entry
    • finished wings of fire (cricket and turtle are my fav dragons)
    • Hi-Fi Rush GOTY 2023
    • new job = 7am wake up time (i am eepy)
  • Everest:
  • __ <-(Build your own report)
  • Have done working
  • Have done many pieces puzzle in the last 24 hours
  • Read lots of pathfinder
  • Josh:
    • unCharity announcement more like... woopsie
    • Work keeps throwing itself at me
    • oh to be compleated...
    • Chess brained

Immediate Past President's RepΦrt (Alistair):

  • Alistair has attended: ==35.5/46== Meeting
    • Haha Jace DΦwn bad gΦt cΦmpleated becuase of it
      • Φnly respectable thing he's dΦne
    • Free from PantΦ
    • DΦn't dΦ twΦ fringe shows at the same time it fuckin sucks
      • Learnt it through experience
      • ShΦws were pretty gΦΦd thΦ
      • Now hes back back again
      • back at wΦrk

Past action Items:

Usual Suspects

Action Items: Emerald:

look into quote for replacement of the painted banner - Done

Send out expression of interest form 40th anniverary - Not DOne

(with Connor) Learn how to repair boardgames - Not Done


Put up thread for fundraising goals for uncharity vigil - Done

(with Ethan and Connor) Find auctionable items - Done

Organise OGM stuff - Done

Do the Agm booking at the same as the OGM - Done


Contanct Uniprint regarding O day fresher guide and flyer printing - Awaiting Response


Pick up ONE stuff when it is in - Its not in

One Prerelease emp and announcement needs to be compleated - Done

Write up painting day announcement - Done

Contact Amelia Regarding Painting Day - DOne

Review fresher GM forms - Done

Poke people regarding colour camp distribution - Not Done

(with Connor and Jackie) Find auctionable items - Done

Do the OGM Announcmenet in a Newsletter - DOne

Go through "Wargamey" Boardgames to review state of games - Not Done

Figure out how to do things on website as to put minutes on blog - Done


organize Valentine's themed boardgame night - Done

(with Ethan and Jackie) Find auctionable items - Done

Contact ED about "Smash Up" - Done

MORB BORG (I know thats not how its spelt) do cover (in progress) - Done

(with Emerald) Learn how to repair boardgames - One Day


Make some mutants and some masterminds (and the event i guess) - In Progress


Go look through the minis for good minis and remove bronk minis - Done


Make sure to have the time avaliable for the AGM and OGM- Done

ITS THAT TIME OF THE YEAR HANDOVER TIME :confetti_ball: :confetti_ball: :confetti_ball: - In progress

Board Games

  • LOVEly Boardgames - 10/02/2023 - Friday 5pm
    • Come play some love letter, fog of love
    • Codenames is a double date game
    • Not Alone
    • Root

      Connor: Lovely Boardgames announcement

Fresher Welcome - 02/03/22 - 4PM
  • When should we star thte event
    • Traditionaally 4 to 5 pm
    • Have tried pushing it back earlier
  • Emerald suggests 4PM onwards as well as a set time for pizza
  • Things that need to be done
    • EMP + Loft Bookinhg
    • Announcement
    • Pizza Run
    • Advertising
    • Chairs


  • Paranoia - 2pm on 24/01/2023

    • It happened
    • Was last week
    • It was good
    • Two tables of attendance
    • Total attendance of 7
    • Very very very positive feedback especially from david
      • Josh Suggests keeping it as a niche rpg so that the gimmick doesnt get worn down
  • Mutants and Masterminds - 21/02/2023 - 4PM

    • Chris will be have pre-gens
    • If you would like to make your own to bring please DM Chris

      Chris: Make some mutants and some masterminds announcements

  • Potential rpg event schedule for Sem 1 2023

    • This would provide a nice balance of genres and mechanics between famous and niche games
    • That one High fantasy Rpg that everyone knows and has a number of editions greater than 4
    • Light RPGs
      • e.g. PbtA
    • Call of Cthulhu
    • Pendragon/Pathfinder
    • Spire/Heart
    • One page RPGs
  • Speed-Dating for RPG's

    • Allows people to run rpgs they're passionate about
    • Have a bunch of Gms in a room with the system they are running
      • little blurb that tells them what it is like
      • (not compared to another rpg)
      • twin peaks -> call of cthulu
    • Gives us extra hype for what we run
    • Early in the semester fresher event
    • Point at people who are genuinely interested
    • Like an O-Day/career stalls for RPGs
    • Perhaps like early in the semester
    • Multi- systen be-shot night
      • Probably easiest if gms bring pre gens
    • Josh raises concerns that this will over represent rpgs that are more suitable to a short format of one shots
    • Convention centre style earlier start time with a hard start game time.
    • Learn about RPGs come at (Earlier time e.g. 2PM) to play Rpgs come at (later time e.g. 5pm) -
    • Committee generally thinks this to be a great idea
    • Committee thinks not the same day as club carnival

      Gibbi, Jackie: Do Speed dating GM Form

Panto Unigames Collab Event
  • Will have update next week after panto has some rest after all their amazing shows :)
  • Return after OGM

Magic: The Gavining

Intro to MAgic - Week 3 of Semester
New Phyrexia: All Will be One Prerelease - 05/02/2023
  • Stuffs not in just yet
  • Entry fee will be $45
  • New phyrexia seems like a good set
  • Start time will be 11 Am

Gibbi: Pick up ONE stuff when it is in

Booster Box buying Bhenanigans
  • We purchased a spare box of brothers war before prerelease such that after completing prerelease people could then purchase more packs and it sold quite well
  • As such committee thinks it would be a good idea to do the same for ONE
  • $450 budget to preorder 2 set boxes of Phyrexia: all will be one
    • Passes Unaniously

      Gibbi: Preorder 2 set boxes


Painting Day - 01/02/2023 - 1PM
  • This is happening this wednesday
  • Amelia will be there
  • Yeah come down and paint some minis
Intro to Wargaming
  • Week 1 AGM
  • Week 2 Speeed Dating (First one shot)
  • Week 3 Intro to Magic first boardgame
  • Week 4 Intro to painting and RPG
  • Week 5 Jumpstart????

Fresher Campaigns

  • So i sure have looked at the fresher forms for most of this week
  • Im planning to make some revisions to the form for next year
  • Also stats for the OGL thread should be up shortly

Gibbi: Put up OGL Thread Stats yeah

Colour Camp - November 18th to 21st

  • waiting to submit money for colour camp
  • collect out food from ucc

    Texas: Send Money PLease Help

Uncharity vigil - 11/02/2022 Saturday 5PM - 12/02/2022 Sunday 10AM

  • Budget awaiting ammendments before approval
  • Gibbi will put up budget for circular when ammendments have been confirmed
  • Current Start Date looking like 11/02/2022
  • $5 Door Entry
  • Raffle tickets + Door Prize
    • Is looking into spending $50 for Door prize
      • Unigames Committee suggests lowering the budget for the door prize to $50 (what it traditionally is)
      • We also want to clarify whether the Door prize is the prize for the raffle.
      • Door prize and raffle prize are the same
        • Currently looking at $1
        • 3 prize cap per person
  • Josh doing graphic design (it is his passion)

    • Minor edits requiring the inclusion and exclusion of spaces in the title
  • pizza order

    • we should feed our event attendees
  • Discussed auction items
  • Fundraising goals for Unigames
    • Look at getting new chairs?
      • Investigate price of a chair set
  • Uncharity Events
    • Pay for Advantage RPGs
    • Pay for Advantage Boardgames
    • Unigames Dragon Theme Voting
Auction Itmes
  • Smash Up
  • Old Game of Game of thrones
  • Automoblies
  • Necromunda
  • Kill Dr Lucky
Committee Fundraising Goal Discussion
  • Replace student style chairs with more student style chairs
    • Stretch Goal Buy "nice" chairs
      • Gibbi, Jackie, and Josh are not fond of the idea of office style chairs that have the ability to be "wheely" and "spinny".
  • More Kallax cubes for storage near the snacks

Jackie: Put up thread for fundraising goals for uncharity vigil

Unigames OGM - Monday the 13th (February) (At 1pm regardless of Date)

  • Ogm will be in person only
  • Discord call would add aditional complexity
  • Absentee votes close 1 hour before the meeting

Gibbi: Do the OGM Announcmenet in a Newsletter

O-Day 2023 - 24/02/2023 24th of February 11AM - 3PM

  • Event will go up for O Day next weeek
  • Requesteth Help from our gatekeepers
  • Email Uniprint for a quote on our flyer and sticker printing as well as submission date so that it can be in time for O-Day
  • We have 32 2022 Fresher Guides remaining
  • We wanna print more flyers as we ran out of flyers during the semester (about 50)

Emerald: look into quote for replacement of the painted banner

Texas: Contanct Uniprint regarding O day fresher guide and flyer printing


Jackie: do O-Day stuff

Far Future Events

Unigames AGM - 03/03/2023 at 3pm Friday

Everyone: Make sure to have the time avaliable for the AGM

Jackie: Do the Agm booking at the same as the OGM


  • Approved

  • Pending

  • Unsubmitted
    • $410.60 to David for food run
    • $370.22 to UCC for Joint camp
    • $19.45 to Jackie for camp supplies (pls don't remove)
    • $296.24 to Ethan for Playmat purchase



  • First Socpac This Wednesday 01/02/2023 6PM
    • Socpac hosted by Jackie :O
    • Gibbi and Emerald can attend
    • In social sciences lecture theatre

Missing Money

  • No updates


  • No Updates

General Business:

Custom Playmats

  • Gibbi will let everyone know when playmats are in

Westmarche 2

  • Next meeting this friday (renown time)
  • Return after OGM

40th Anniversary

Emerald: Send out expression of interest form 40th anniverary - Did alot of reading for event packets and stuff - We are not going to be able to the same value for money anywhere else that we would have gotten at uni club - Our options now are going to be doing it at hackett cafe - Can be quite cheap per head - Less than $20 per ticket - With Cannapes and Beverages - sit down meal would increase $200 total - Does not include gift bag pricing - Perth city farm gives hire discount the clsoer it gets to the event date - THey dont include catering or furniture - not on campus - Consider booking through uniclub privately - Would lose guild insurance perhaps? - Jackie likes the sound of Hackett - Its close to parking - On campus - done through guild


  • No new gatekeepers


  • No new webkeepers

Room Update

New Printed Banner
  • Pricing for 60cm by 1m Banner
    • $68.53
    • Not Double Sided
  • Potentially DIY banner?

Emerald: Budget The newnigames Banner

Pinup Board
  • Awaiting a replay after tenancy has their committee meeting. Will likely get a reply in the next couple weeks
  • Should have an answer by Next Monday


Emerald, Connor: Learn how to repair boardgames

Gibbi: Go through "Wargamey" Boardgames to review state of games

Library System
  • Jackie continues to stay silly (enter RPG's)
    • If gatekeepers/committee wanna learn rpg entry hit up Jackie for those epic rpg entry deets.

Food runs

  • Biscuits please
    • Emerald wants more biscuits than what is in limbo
  • Also choccy blocks
    • (not fruit and nut)
  • Choccy Bars many a choccy bar
  • Get some frozen meals that aren't mi goreng
    • and not tuna bake
  • Maybe some ice creams
  • Need a whole lotta biscuits
    • There are some biscuits in Joint camp limbo
    • Texas checks the sheet of stuff
  • Consider doing costco run for utilities
    • Who was a costco membership
      • The answer is emerald and Texas
    • Due to new online storefront we can compare prices at costco with that of coles and woolies
    • Perhaps a costsco run once or twice a year

      Jackie: Do a food run on


  • New website POG
  • Consider moving towards just using epic new website

    Gibbi: Talk to donald about mailing list bug

gibbi: Start moving minutes over onto new website

Committee Business

Everyone: ITS THAT TIME OF THE YEAR HANDOVER TIME :confetti_ball: :confetti_ball: :confetti_ball:

Meeting closed: 8:06 PM