Unigames Committee Meeting #46 - 06/02/2023

by Gibbi 06/02/23

Unigames Committee Meeting #46 - 06/02/2023

tags: committee meeting 2022


  • Emerald
  • Jackie
  • Connor
  • David
  • Josh
  • Chris
  • Texas
  • Gibbi
  • Everest
  • Alistair


  • Hannah


Meeting scheduled: 5:30PM

Meeting open: 5:34PM


President's Report (Emerald):

  • Hi, Emerald
    • Good Afternoon Gibbi
    • Double Meeting
    • and a deferred exam study
    • my poor heart cant take it
    • drove to and from mandurah this morning
    • mmmmmmmmm (eats oreo)
    • I did a lot of stuff (Not David) this week
    • icons meeting was good

Vice President's Report (Jackie):

  • did a food run even though i said i couldn't
  • this is my 4th meeting today
  • but i have a new device so its cool
  • i may be melting scoob
  • also chaired the icons meeting even

Treasurer's Report (Business Texas):

  • went to prerelease and pulled 2 atraxas
  • people got paid some and I'll be back next week to pay more people
  • did my final presentation
  • heard about things that happened at socpac
  • account balance:$2,891.67

Secretary's Report (Gibbi):

  • Ran Prerelease
  • Picked up prerelease stuff and other set boosters
  • Went to Socpac
  • I'm sure I did other things but ill write it in later no one can tell the difference anyway

Librarian's Report (Connyah):

  • Repaired A TON of boardgames with Emerald, very slay
  • Ran from food
  • Reorganised the library 👀
  • ALSO, cat had his second 9 day adventure, and returned !!
  • 3 hours of eep brain 💅
  • Come to LOVEly Boardgames

Fresher Rep's Report (Hannah):

  • still alive in the void of latin america
  • mosquitos and I have a love hate relationship bc they love me and I hate them

Reports de la OCM (Chris, David, Everest, Josh):

  • Chris:
    • im a little confused boy
    • perpetually confused by things
    • also am little for clarification
    • M&M announcement coming after meeting to put space after the uncharity announcement
  • David:
    • can you believe it guys? Unigames OGM, just a week away!
    • went to prerelease and got nothing of any real note (not even from the prize packs)
    • librararary entry
    • mmmmyeah
    • (Jackie would like to insert slander against her fellow committee members here)
  • Everest:
    • still mostly just work
    • no longer taking pathfinder books for ransom (i returned them)
    • there's some kind of dust on the dragons?? we should look at that
  • Josh:
    • I get home and an attempt on my life has been made
    • Love Mother Mother
    • Love New Phyrexia

Immediate Past President's RepΦrt (Alistair):

  • Alistair has attended: ==37.5/47== Meeting
    • All will be one
    • all will be one
    • all will be one
      • For Mirrodin (David)

Past action Items:

Action Items: Emerald:

look into quote for replacement of the painted banner - Done

Send out expression of interest form 40th anniverary - Done

Budget The newnigames Banner - In Progress

(with Connor) Learn how to repair boardgames - Done


(with Ethan) Do Speed dating GM Form - Done

Put up thread for fundraising goals for uncharity vigil - Done


do O-Day stuff - Done

Do the Agm booking at the same as the OGM - DOne

Do a food run on - Done


Send Money PLease Help - Done

Contanct Uniprint regarding O day fresher guide and flyer printing - Done


(with Jackie) Do Speed dating GM Form - Done

Pick up ONE stuff when it is in - DOne

Preorder 2 set boxes - Done

Put up OGL Thread Stats yeah - Done

Do the OGM Announcmenet in a Newsletter - Done

Go through "Wargamey" Boardgames to review state of games - Not Done

Talk to donald about mailing list bug - Not Done


Lovely Boardgames announcement - DOne

(with Emerald) Learn how to repair boardgames - Done


Make some mutants and some masterminds announcements - Will do shortly


Make sure to have the time avaliable for the AGM/OGM - Done

ITS THAT TIME OF THE YEAR HANDOVER TIME :confetti_ball: :confetti_ball: :confetti_ball: - Done

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • LOVEly Boardgames - 10/02/2023 - Friday 5pm
    • Will be this friday come and play some LOVEly games!
      • Come through (come spelt specifically that way according to Connor )
Fresher Welcome - 02/03/22 - 4PM
  • Time to do Admin stuff

    Gibbi, David: Do EMP, loft, booking chairs for fresher welcome


Mutants and Masterminds - 21/02/2023 - 4PM
  • Announcement will be going up this evening
Potential rpg event schedule for Sem 1 2023
  • This would provide a nice balance of genres and mechanics between famous and niche games
  • That one High fantasy Rpg that everyone knows and has a number of editions greater than 4
  • Light RPGs - e.g. PbtA
  • Call of Cthulhu
  • Pendragon/Pathfinder
  • Spire/Heart
  • One page RPGs
Speed-Dating for RPG's - 07/03/2023 - 4PM
  • Jackie as done th form for it
  • Can put up form tonight (to committee)
  • WIll be in week 2
  • We can do it tuesday
First One shot - 09-10 of 03/2023
  • Waiting for Unisfa to decide welcome date
  • will be on whichever day unisfa event is not
Panto Unigames Collab Event
  • Will have update next week after panto has some rest after all their amazing shows :)
  • Return after OGM

Magic: The Gavining

Intro to Magic - 15/03/2023 - 1PM

Gibbi: Do EMP for intro to Magic

New Phyrexia: All Will be One Prerelease - 05/02/2023
  • Had 21 Paricipants
  • Very lovely prerelease
  • Tried new tournament website worked really well
  • hope to use it again next time

Gibbi: Take back Prerlease stuff to tactics

Booster Box buying Bhenanigans
  • We got the set boxes for $400
  • We should get 1 to 2 more boxes depending on how One continues to sell


Painting Day - 01/02/2023 - 1PM
  • We had a painting day
  • We had 1 attendant
  • We should give more notice to painting day
Intro to Painting - Week 4
Intro to Wargaming - Week 5
  • Will need to contact older member to organise

Fresher Campaigns

  • Put up Fresher GM forms after the OGM

Colour Camp - November 18th to 21st

  • Finally Done

Uncharity vigil - 11/02/2022 Saturday 5PM - 12/02/2022 Sunday 10AM

  • Will be this weekend starting at 5PM!
    • Entry will be $5
    • Cash Event so make sure to bring paper money and also lots and lots of coins
  • We'll be doing an auction and raffle at midnight as well as a bunch of pay to win boardgames and one shots throughout the evening
  • We'll also be having a pizza order in the evening
  • Come donate to decide on our logo for 2023!
    • If you have any suggestions make sure to put them in dragon-design on discord!
  • Unigames
Auction Itmes
  • Smash Up
  • Old Game of Game of thrones - is playable
  • Automoblies
  • Necromunda
  • Kill Dr Lucky
Raffle Items
  • Unigames D6's
  • still need to get raffle items from tactics

Gibbi: email Jason regarding raffle prizes for uncharity vigil

Milk Run
  • Jackie and Connor will be around so can do Milk run
Committee Fundraising Goals
  • Replace student style chairs with more student style chairs
    • Stretch Goal Buy "nice" chairs
      • Gibbi, Jackie, and Josh are not fond of the idea of office style chairs that have the ability to be "wheely" and "spinny".
  • More Kallax cubes for storage near the snacks
  • They will be put up tomorrow

    Jackie: post uncharity fundraising goals

Unigames OGM - Monday the 13th (February) (At 3pm regardless of Date)

  • Ogm will be in person only
  • Discord call would add aditional complexity
  • Absentee votes close 1 hour before the meeting
  • New Motion/Amendments due by this Thursday 09/02/2023 (Send them to Gibson)
  • OGM will be in the guild council room

O-Day 2023 - 24/02/2023 24th of February 11AM - 3PM

  • Event will go up for O Day next weeek
  • Requesteth Help from our gatekeepers
  • Email Uniprint for a quote on our flyer and sticker printing as well as submission date so that it can be in time for O-Day
  • We wanna print more flyers as we ran out of flyers during the semester (about 50)
  • After we have a new dragon we can get the orders in

Far Future Events

Unigames AGM - 03/03/2023 at 3pm Friday

  • Yippee Yippee Yipee Democracy
  • We Will put up the actual event after the OGM
  • Next week problem

Everyone: Make sure to have the time avaliable for the AGM/ogm

Jackie: Do the Agm booking at the same as the OGM

Unigames Redacted 2023

  • Is on the same week as supanova weekend
  • Ask to shift booking dates by a week
  • Emerald doesnt like the idea of making members choose

Emerald: Email manjedal to shift redacted by a week

Joint Redacted 2023

  • WIll need to be booked today
  • Already have dates for it
  • WIll not be putting the dates in the minutes
  • guess what its the weekend after study break
  • Aim for a three way split on the initial deposit again


  • Approved
    • $410.60 to David for food run
    • $370.22 to UCC for Joint camp
    • $296.24 to Ethan for Playmat purchase
  • Pending
  • Unsubmitted
    • $19.45 to Jackie for Camp Supplies
    • $544.40 to Jackie for Food run (5/2)
    • $10 to Jackie for paper towels
    • $400 to Ethan for ONE set boosters



SOCPAC 1 2023 - Student leadership training February 7 to 8 next dates - Back down to 2 execs with SLT including the president - O - DAY GRANT - O DAY DEADLINES: 10 march <br /> - SBG DEADLINES: 14 april, 8 september semester midsem break - Major – beeg event - Collab – collabrative - Standard – it’s a grant - SEMSTER GRANT DEADLINES 16 june and 10 november just before exams - O-DAY - Friday 24th of feb 11am to 3pm - Slip slop slap - Ensure you have merch - Freshers found it difficult to re-engage - Factionalism can be off putting - UWA Open day - 12 march - Smaller o day - Marketing of clubs - Deadline for EOI 10 february - Clubbed Carnival - 14 march - Mini o day in week 3 - Deadline for application is 21 feb

Emerald: EOI for Uwa open Day and clubbed carnival

Missing Money

  • No updates


  • No Updates

General Business:

Busy BEE - 18/02/2023 - 10AM

  • Unigames will be managing our clubroom and the loft
  • Emerald Contacted claudia regarding reimbursement for new cleaning supplies

    Jackie: Put up Busy BEE announcement

Custom Playmats

  • The playmats are in!
  • Come and pick them up by asking your local gatekeeper/committee member

Westmarche 2

  • Return after OGM

40th Anniversary

Emerald: Send out expression of interest form 40th anniverary - Does committee want Emerald to explore other options for a big fancy event - Or is committee happy to settle with hackett - Potentially try for Uni club?


  • No new gatekeepers


  • No new webkeepers

Room Update

Emerald: Investigate and decontaminate Dragons

New Printed Banner
  • Pricing for 60cm by 1m Banner
    • $68.53
    • Not Double Sided
  • Potentially DIY banner?
  • Will have painted up DIY banner budget for next week

    Emerald: Budget The newnigames diy Banner

Pinup Board
  • We got a reply
  • Tenancy is talking to kelvin regarding the pinup board


Emerald, Connor: Learn how to repair boardgames

Gibbi: Go through "Wargamey" Boardgames to review state of games

Library System
  • Jackie continues to stay silly (enter RPG's)
    • If gatekeepers/committee wanna learn rpg entry hit up Jackie for those epic rpg entry deets.
  • Emerald would like us to update our library tags for what is high priority
    • She suggests adding the whole pathfinder 2E set
    • As well as the new PHB

      Jackie: Bring in label maker for adding high priority status to books

Food runs

  • Jackie did a food run this week
  • Consider doing costco run for utilities
    • Committee has a discussion regarding costco run perhaps next week


  • New website POG
  • Consider moving towards just using epic new website
  • Everest suggests adding tag search the library system

Gibbi: Talk to donald about mailing list bug

gibbi: Start moving minutes over onto new website

Committee Business

Everyone: ITS THAT TIME OF THE YEAR HANDOVER TIME :confetti_ball: :confetti_ball: :confetti_ball:

  • Meetings will be 5 PM Onwards
Early 2023 Events
  • Week 1 AGM
  • Week 2 Speeed Dating (First one shot)
  • Week 3 Intro to Magic, first boardgame
  • Week 4 Intro to painting and RPG
  • Week 5 Jumpstart????, Intro to Wargaming

Meeting closed: 6:56 PM