Unigames Committee Meeting #47 - 15/02/2023

by Ethan Gibson 15/02/23

Unigames Committee Meeting #47 - 15/02/2023

tags: committee meeting 2022


  • Emerald
  • Jackie
  • Connor
  • David
  • Josh
  • Texas
  • Gibbi
  • Alistair


  • Hannah
  • Everest
  • Chris


Meeting scheduled: 6:30PM

Meeting open: 7:00PM


President's Report (Emerald):

  • Hi Emerald
    • Hi Gibbi,
      • what a week
      • THanks to everyone who stuck it out at any unigames event this week
      • o7
      • Last of us is really good
      • O-Day next friday
      • Yippee Yippee Yippee

Vice President's Report (Jackie):

  • uncharity wow
  • For the first time in forever (gibbi has to type out jackie's report in it's entirety)
    • Gibbi, I'm so sorry - Jackie
    • Have about 13 to 14 pages of mad scribbling tracking speaking order in the meeting
    • Been doing constitution things
    • Submitted constitution amendments to will for approval
    • Am thinking about moving RPG O-Day back an hour for our office gamers
    • I think I've done alot
      • Jackie forgor what alot is
  • i have a triple date in less than an hour

Treasurer's Report (Business Texas):

  • Everyone has decided to not write a report this week so here i am going rogue - it's me gibbi the secretary
    • i love and appreciate you gibbi <3333 thank you for all of the things
  • Texas didn't know what meeting it was
  • Perhaps a continuation of the OGM
  • The passage of time ....
  • return of committee o clock meeting
  • account balance:$2,907.82

Secretary's Report (Gibbi):

  • Hands are still recovering from minuting for 6 hours
  • Ran uncharity
  • Got a flat tyre
  • Gods its been a busy week
  • Thanks to connor and clarice for doing a pizza order last minute
  • I'm sure there's other stuff i dont have forgor
  • Went to Lovely boardgames and played fog of love with committee

Librarian's Report (Connyah):

  • Guys, we lost Necromunda.. 😫
  • Attended Uncharity, felt uncharitable
  • Umm.. OGM spanned across some length of time
  • LOVEly boardgames also happened, even if it feels like it happened years ago, was pretty successful :))

Fresher Rep's Report (Hannah):

  • writing this during the ogm bc ill be too eepy later on
  • i will be back for next meeting finally so yay ( - David will finally get his present after months)
  • otherwise im just doing handover and fresher guide speech slowly but surely (will hopefully have the fresher guide one done by friday)

Reports de la OCM (Chris, David, Everest, Josh):

  • Chris:
    • Apologies
  • David:
    • tried out scythe (its a cool board game you guys should play it)
      • also fog of love
    • i went to uncharity
    • worked on handovers
    • fresher welcome stuff done (im stuff)
  • Everest:
    • Apologies
    • i forgor to submit report
    • went to ogm and uncharity (yay unchairity success)
    • is at work
  • Josh:
    • ugggghhhhhhhhhh
    • yes
    • I died at some point this week, not sure when
    • Thanks for coming to unCharity\

Immediate Past President's RepΦrt (Alistair):

  • Alistair has attended: ==37.5/48== Meeting
    • He is saving Jackies spot?

Past action Items:

Action Items:


Email manjedal to shift redacted by a week - DOne

EOI for Uwa open Day and clubbed carnival - Done

Send out expression of interest form 40th anniverary - Done

Investigate and decontaminate Dragons - Done

Budget The newnigames diy Banner - Done

(with Connor) Learn how to repair boardgames - Done


post uncharity fundraising goals - Done

Do the Agm booking at the same as the OGM - Done

Put up Busy BEE announcement - Done

Bring in label maker for adding high priority status to books - Done



(with David) Do EMP, loft, booking chairs for fresher welcome - DOne

Do EMP for intro to Magic - Not Done

Take back Prerlease stuff to tactics - Done

email Jason regarding raffle prizes for uncharity vigil - Done

Go through "Wargamey" Boardgames to review state of games - Not Done

Talk to donald about mailing list bug - Not Done


(with Emerald) Learn how to repair boardgames - Done


(with Ethan) Do EMP, loft, booking chairs for fresher welcome - Done


Make sure to have the time avaliable for the AGM/ogm - Done

ITS THAT TIME OF THE YEAR HANDOVER TIME :confetti_ball: :confetti_ball: :confetti_ball: - In poggerss

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • LOVEly Boardgames - 10/02/2023 - Friday 5pm
    • Attendance was around 14
    • Went well
    • Lot of Rootin at LOVEly Boardgames
Fresher Welcome - 02/03/22 - 4PM
  • All prepared
First Boardgame Night -13/03/23

Gibbi: Do First Boardgame Theme, anouncement and EMP


Mutants and Masterminds - 21/02/2023 - 4PM
  • The EMP was for 4am - Gibbi
  • Chris has changed it
Potential rpg event schedule for Sem 1 2023
  • This would provide a nice balance of genres and mechanics between famous and niche games
  • That one High fantasy Rpg that everyone knows and has a number of editions greater than 4
  • Light RPGs - e.g. PbtA
  • Call of Cthulhu
  • Pendragon/Pathfinder
  • Spire/Heart
  • One page RPGs
RPG O-DAY - 07/03/2023 - 5PM
  • Is being moved back to 5PM
  • If you are interested in advocating an RPG at RPG O-Day the form to signup can be found here: https://forms.gle/92qq8BbhjRhopr7aA

Jackie: RPG ODAY loft and EMP booking

Variety One-shot night - 10/03/2023 5PM
  • Unisfa is doing their welcome on the 1st of March
  • We can have it on either day
  • Jackie Proposes doing a variety one-shot night
  • Gm's are to prepare their own pre - gens
  • Proportional cap of DND 5e at 1/3 of the event

Emerald: Contact GM's for Variety One-shot night

Josh: Do the EMP and Loft Booking for Variety One-Shot night


Magic: The Gavining

Intro to Magic - 15/03/2023 - 1PM

Gibbi: Do EMP for intro to Magic

Booster Box buying Bhenanigans
  • We did a circular for 1 extra set booster box at a budget of $250
  • Purchased the Box for $200
The last SNOM (For committee of 2022) - 26/02/23

Gibbi: Do EMP for Last SNOM

Pokemon trading card game Event - Week 4
  • Stosh Will run pokemon TCG event to see how other TCGs event goes

Josh: Do EMP for Pokemon TCG


Intro to Painting - Week 4

Josh: EMP and Loft Booking for intro to painting

Intro to Wargaming - Week 5
  • Will need to contact older member to organise

    Emerald: Get in contact with Kieran/Eva for Intro to Wargaming in Week 5

Fresher Campaigns

  • Put up Fresher GM forms after the OGM

Gibbi: Put Up Fresher GM for Fresher Campaigns

Uncharity vigil - 11/02/2022 Saturday 5PM - 12/02/2022 Sunday 10AM

  • Happened we made a bunch of shmoney
  • Wrap up tmeeting will be this friday
  • Prelimanary count is around $750 per club from subcom distribution

    Gibbi: Distribute Auction money to clubs

Committee Fundraising Goals
  • We made $1390 as a club
  • Meaning we met our fundraising goals for Kallax as well
  • and new whiteboard markers and new chalk markers
  • Keep your eyes on the minutes what other stuff we reached :eyes:

Unigames OGM - Monday the 13th (February) (At 3pm regardless of Date)

  • It sure was 6 hours long
  • Constitutional Amendments Passed with some amendments
    • Sent to SOC
    • Pending SOC Approval
  • Jack Kay's Dnd Motion Passed after significant amendment
    • Viewable through pinned link in discord liveblog chat

O-Day 2023 - 24/02/2023 24th of February 11AM - 3PM

  • Event will go up for O Day next weeek
  • Requesteth Help from our gatekeepers
  • Fresher guide and fresher flyer and stickers orders should be in by the end of the week

Jackie: Send out flyer and fresher guide and stickers order to uniprint

Connor: Draft O-Day announcement

Emerald: Ask Gatekeepers for help re O-Day

Far Future Events

Unigames AGM - 03/03/2023 at 1pm Friday

  • Yippee Yippee Yipee Democracy
  • If you would like to run for this years committee or nominate someone else to run for unigames committee feel free to put it in the thread

    Gibbi: Need Announcement Up Immediately for Unigames AGM

Everyone: Make sure to have the time avaliable for the AGM/ogm

Unigames Redacted 2023 - 30/06/2023 - 3/07/2023

  • It was successfully moved forward a week
  • Emerald sent out the mail

Emerald: Confirm dates moved

Joint Redacted 2023

  • Is booked
  • Deposit will need to be paid for in the next week
  • Monday 20/02/23 is the latest that can be done
  • Unisfa is happy to do the deposit
  • Double check with UCC (Jackie is doing it)

Jackie: Submit Deposit for joint redacted


  • Approved
    • $19.45 to Jackie for Camp Supplies
    • $544.40 to Jackie for Food run (5/2)
    • $10 to Jackie for paper towels
    • $400 to Ethan for ONE set boosters
  • Pending
  • Unsubmitted
    • $200 to Ethan for ONE Set Booster
    • $735 to Ethan for ONE Prerelease
    • $73.55 to Connor for Milk



  • Constitutional amendments submitted
  • Pending approval
  • Should be approved this week
  • Shoutout to new tenancy chair for getting us our cleaning contract


  • No Updates
  • O-day grant soon

General Business:

Busy BEE - 18/02/2023 - 10AM

  • Is this weekend
  • If you're a gatekeeper or a committee member Bee there or Bee square
    • (this is a threat)

Custom Playmats

  • Most of them have been collected :)

Westmarche 2

  • Should have one in the next week
  • Westmarche Monday

40th Anniversary

  • Emerald and Texas will be on it tmw
  • Texas emailed unibclub
  • We can do it at Uniclub
  • Taylor says to push it back cos april is far too soon
  • Quote at about $7600 + Beverage
    • Service Fee
    • 3 Course Meal
    • Audiovisual
  • Beverages can be done hourly packages or by consumption basis

Emerald: Send out EOI for 40th to anniversary an "Everyone annoucnement"


  • No new gatekeepers


  • No new webkeepers

Room Update

New Printed Banner
  • Go to spotlight get a squaremeter of fabric
  • Get a bunch of paint
  • Roughly 60 to 90 buckeroos
  • There happens to be a convenient sale at the moment
  • Almost scertainly less than $100
  • Emerald still probabbly in prefernce to new printed banner
Pinup Board
  • Hopefully up before o day
  • Tenancy is talking to kelvin regarding the pinup board


Gibbi: Go through "Wargamey" Boardgames to review state of games

Library System
  • Almost Done

Food runs

  • One more food run in the next week to keep everything stocked before O-day

    Connor, Emerald: Do a food run


  • New website POG
  • Consider moving towards just using epic new website
  • Donald is looking at changing things

Gibbi: Talk to donald about mailing list bug

Gibbi: Start moving minutes over onto new website

Committee Business

Everyone: ITS THAT TIME OF THE YEAR HANDOVER TIME :confetti_ball: :confetti_ball: :confetti_ball:

  • Meetings will be 5 PM Onwards
Early 2023 Events
  • Week 1 Fresher Welcome, AGM - 02/03/23 03/03/23
  • Week 2 RPG O-Day, First one-shot - 07/03/23, 10/03/23
  • Week 3 Intro to Magic, first boardgame - 15/03/2023 13/03/23
  • Week 4 Intro to painting and RPG - TBA
  • Week 5 Jumpstart????, Intro to Wargaming - TBA

Meeting closed: 8:38 PM