Unigames Committee Meeting #49 - 27/02/2023

by Ethan Gibson 27/02/23

Unigames Committee Meeting #49 - 27/02/2023

tags: committee meeting 2022


  • Emerald
  • Jackie
  • Connor
  • David
  • Josh
  • Gibbi
  • Hannah
  • Alistair
  • Texas
  • Everest
  • Chris



Meeting scheduled: 5:00PM

Meeting open: 5:53PM


President's Report (Emerald):

  • Hi Emerald,
    • Hi Gibbi,
    • Local Icarus flies too close to the sun
    • lifts couches
    • gets back injury
    • but oh how the living room looks much nicer
    • did some of my action items until back injury
    • O-day was really good happy with the turnout
    • Happy AGM on Friday (03/03/2023)

Eepiest Veepiest Tiefling Veepy (Jackie):

  • happy final committee meeting of this committee folks
  • did some last minute oday stuff night before and then oday stuff and then oday stuff and then oday stuff
  • met a bunch of freshers today
  • emailed tactics with our new sticker

Treasurer's Report (Business Texas):

  • last meeting
  • will get reimbursements signed and complete
  • almost lost the Trez keys just before the meeting but it's ok
  • happy back to uni everyone
  • account balance:$3,282.82

Secretary's Report (Gibbi):

  • Insert report here
  • Had a very good SNOM, very good turnout
  • Been stranded at home and preparing for RPG O-Day very exciting
  • Built a deck for the club

Librarian's Report (Connyah):

  • Bang! And that's it! The 2022-2023 Unigames Committee Season is over!
  • O-day was really great actually, loved meeting everybody!
  • Good luck to all of y'all this Uni semester 💅💅

Fresher Rep's Report (Hannah):

  • one of the sunburn victims from O-day
  • can’t believe it’s already been a year with this committee but I had such a great time
  • only need to finish editing handover now and then it’s officially done

Reports de la OCM (Chris, David, Everest, Josh):

  • Chris:
    • damn, it be the last meeting
    • its time for me to speedrun handover things
    • connor walks over, joins game, immediately slays
  • David:
    • subpar last few days
    • Shilled for the club at o-day and met some new faces at SNOM
    • Posted facebook event for fresher welcome and a welcome announcement for the freshers
    • Helped out with food run
    • Re-adhered a carpet tile.
    • made some final adjustments to the OCM handover
    • Thanks for being a great committee everyone!
  • Everest:
    • I forgot I'm doing 2 programming units this semester (oh dear)
    • talked to freshers a lot today
    • oday success (yay)
      • almost left wallet, waterbottle and laptop at oday whoops
    • house sitting is over (I miss the cats so much)
    • looking forward to fresher night and AGM time
    • happy final meeting gamers
  • Josh:
  • 🦀Maccies is gone🦀
  • I feel like I have only barely recovered from PROSH and yet here it is, ready to drag me into Claremont quarter kicking and screaming. Can't wait
  • O'Day MAJOR SUCCESS welcome everybody
  • Days Since Yung Gravy Accusation: 3

Immediate Past President's RepΦrt (Alistair):

  • Alistair has attended: ==39.5/50== Meeting
    • Alistair has compleated the year with a final grade of 79%
    • Meaning he acheived a disinction that is high and not a high distinction o7
    • imagine getting burnt on o-day couldnt be me skill issue
      • (Jackie calls alistair an old man)
    • Loves finding fresher rep candidates at O-Day

Past action Items:

Action Items:


Bump GMS for Variety one shot night - Not Done

Continue organising of Intro to Wargaming - Done

O-day facebook event - Done by Jackie

Put up O-Day Guide - Done by Jackie

Send out EOI for 40th to anniversary an "Everyone annoucnement" - Not Done

(with Connor) Do a food run - Not Done


Organise loft map and double check availiability with people for RPG O-Day - Done

Talk to webkeepers about updating constitution - Done

Go to kmart for borrowing pocket as well as whiteboard markers and chalk from uncharity prizes - Done


Transfer clubs their auction money - Not Done

Send Soc/tenancy money for pinnup board - Not Done


Do the EMP and Loft booking for social deduction boardgames - Done

Do EMP for intro to Magic - Done

Double check Jar amount - Done

Post ogm minutes - Not Done

Go through "Wargamey" Boardgames to review state of games - Not Done

Talk to donald about mailing list bug - In Pogress

Start moving minutes over onto new website - In Pogress


Burchase 2 packs of ice and an esky (you can bring your own esky connor) - Done

Talk to webkeepers about online borrowing - Not Done

(with Emerald) Do a food run - Done, with Clarice 💅


Do the announcement for fresher welcome - Done


EMP and Loft booking for Undecided RPG night - Done


Do EMP for Pokemon TCG - Done

EMP and Loft Booking for intro to painting - Done


ITS THAT TIME OF THE YEAR HANDOVER TIME :confetti_ball: :confetti_ball:<br /> :confetti_ball: - In Pogress 💅

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • Social Deduction Boardgames - 13/03/2022 - 4PM

Gibbi: Put Up announcement etc for social deduction boardgames

Fresher Welcome - 02/03/22 - 4PM
  • All prepared

    Jackie: Send fresher welcome pizza order info to David Tonight

Emerald: Send reminder message gatekeepers about fresher welcome this week


Mutants and Masterminds - 21/02/2023 - 4PM
  • Decent Attendance
  • 7 PLayers
  • Pretty full table
  • Went pretty well
  • Advice to future people running it as an event
  • pretty similar to dnd in terms of problems with the system
Potential rpg event schedule for Sem 1 2023
  • This would provide a nice balance of genres and mechanics between famous and niche games
  • That one High fantasy Rpg that everyone knows and has a number of editions greater than 4
  • Light RPGs - e.g. PbtA
  • Call of Cthulhu
  • Pendragon/Pathfinder
  • Spire/Heart
  • One page RPGs
RPG O-DAY - 07/03/2023 - 5PM
  • 11 applicants
    • Some of the featured systems will be
      • Pathfinder 2e
      • Masks
      • Glitter Hearts
      • Burning WHeel
      • Call of Cthulu
      • 13th Age
      • Mongoose Travveler
      • Spire
      • Heart
      • Dread
  • Pizza order
    • Order just for people running the stalls
    • Can send order through to Jackie before the event

Jackie: Talk to People about RPG Oday Pizza

Variety One-shot night - 10/03/2023 5PM
  • Awaiting responses from a bunch of GMs

Emerald: Bump GMS for Variety one shot night

Undecided RPG Night - Week of the 20th of MArch
  • Next committee to decide the system
  • Loft booking and EMP to be done prior to next committee

Everest: EMP and Loft booking for Undecided RPG night


Magic: The Gavining

  • I have designed a commander deck specifically for club use and would like it to be used in the clubroom
  • There will be a quickplay guide for it in the next week or so
Intro to Magic - 15/03/2023 - 1PM

Gibbi: Draft Announcement for Intro to Magic for nextmittee

Booster Box buying Bhenanigans
  • The current box is almost sold out
  • Next committee should look at replacing it
The last SNOM (For committee of 2022) - 26/02/23
  • Very good turnout had around 16 people
  • Lot of new faces
  • Lot of returning faces
  • Hope everyone had fun
  • :)
Pokemon trading card game Event - 23/03/2023 - 5pm
  • Stosh Will run pokemon TCG event to see how other TCGs event goes

Josh: Do Market Research for Pokemon TCG


Intro to Painting - 21/03/23 - 2PM
  • Will be preponed due to Prosh being on the 22/03/23

Josh: EMP and Loft Booking for intro to painting

Intro to Wargaming - 01/04/2023
  • On a saturday

    Emerald: Continue organising of Intro to Wargaming

Fresher Campaigns

Hannah and Gibbi: Put up Fresher Campaign Form

Gibbi: Bump Fresher GM form

Uncharity vigil - 11/02/2022 Saturday 5PM - 12/02/2022 Sunday 10AM

  • Texas will transfer clubs their auction money later this week

Unigames OGM - Monday the 13th (February) (At 3pm regardless of Date)

Gibbi: Post ogm minutes

O-Day 2023 - 24/02/2023 24th of February 11AM - 3PM

  • O-day was great1
  • 166 student and 7 non-students
  • Made in Total
    • $914

Unigames AGM - 03/03/2023 at 1pm Friday

  • Final Agenda will be out tomorrow
  • Nominate yourself if you think youd be a great for unigames committee
    • If you're a fresher consider running for frsher rep!
  • Come and vote etc

Everyone: Send your votes to Gibson before the AGM (Gibson is exempt)

Club Carnival - 14/03/2022 - 12 to 2PM

  • we have already sent out forms in for us

UWA OPEN DAY - 12/03/2023

  • we have also submitted the form for this

Far Future Events

Unigames Redacted 2023 - 30/06/2023 - 3/07/2023

Joint Redacted 2023


  • Approved
  • Pending
  • Unsubmitted
    • $73.55 to Connor for Milk
    • $285 to David for O-Day printing
    • $70.96 to Jackie for Whiteboard Markers
    • $44.49 to Jackie for Liquid chalk
    • $100 to Tenancy for Hanging pin-up board
    • $69 to Unisfa for Uncharity auctions
    • $35 to Panto for Uncharity auctions
    • $40 to UCC for Uncharity auctions



  • Tomorrow at 6PM
  • Gibbi will attend


  • o-day grants
  • its next mittees problem
  • the due date is the 10/03/202
  • We're putting morbius in the minutes again - Emerald

General Business:

Custom Playmats

  • All mats have been payed for there are still 2 or so awaiting collection

    Gibbi: Poke people about custom playmats

Westmarche 2

40th Anniversary

Emerald: Send out EOI for 40th to anniversary an "Everyone annoucnement"


  • No new gatekeepers

Jackie: Put up new gatekeeper form


  • No new webkeepers

Room Update

Jackie: Go to kmart for borrowing pocket

New Printed Banner
  • Emerald Suggests nextmittee commission jackie to create the new banner at $60/per hour ish for skilled labor
  • Emerald thinks unigames should get a new banner
  • should have a classic colour scheme not attached to a particular year
  • purple is good not black
Pinup Board
  • Texas has sent the shmoney when it goes through we will put the pinboard up


  • Donation of Towels from Josh
    • Passes Unanimously

      Next Committee: Go through "Wargamey" Boardgames to review state of games (if i'm still here)

Library System
  • Almost Done

Connor: Talk to webkeepers about online borrowing

Food runs

  • One more food run in the next week to keep everything stocked before Fresher Welcome

Josh, JAckie: Do a food run


  • So youve heard of library entry
  • Can i interest anyone in minute entry

Gibbi: Bump donald about mailing list bug

Gibbi: Start moving minutes over onto new website

Committee Business

Everyone: ITS THAT TIME OF THE YEAR HANDOVER TIME :confetti_ball: :confetti_ball: :confetti_ball:

  • Meetings will be 5 PM Onwards
Early 2023 Events
  • Week 1 Fresher Welcome, AGM - 02/03/23 03/03/23
  • Week 2 RPG O-Day, First one-shot - 07/03/23, 10/03/23
  • Week 3 Intro to Magic, first boardgame - 15/03/2023 13/03/23
  • Week 4 Intro to painting, Pokemans and RPG - TBA
  • Week 5 Jumpstart????, Intro to Wargaming - TBA

Meeting closed: 8:00 PM